Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 22, 2011

4 weeks...yay

Yesterday we made one month and yes now I believe when they say that they grow up so fast. My cuppy cake is getting bigger and its amazing how much has happened in these last for weeks. One thing I know for sure now is that there is a huge difference between being a mother and being a parent.

Needless to say, I have been too overwhelmed in the last 4 weeks that I could not even find my laptop. But now that Brycen is getting bigger and beginning to settle into some sorta routine, I hope I can manage the weekly blogs.

This week, Cuppy cake has begun to as if smile; not yet intentionally, but he shows some signs of amusements and it melts my heart when I see this. He also is making small gguurrh gguuurh sounds and has me already talking baby talk and sounding stupid; and I love it.

We started using a pacifier to soothe him especially in the evenings when he really becomes fussy. I used to think that pacifiers where not good but seeing the benefits, I now understand why some parents use them. Trust me, if u have a fussy baby, any sort of dummy is a great help because it can be so hard on both parent and child when the baby is inconsolable.

Breast feeding is not as easy as I thought it was, but I will endure till the end. I realized I had always underestimated the benefits of breast feeding and after reading online how beneficial it is for a child, I will feed Brycen until 2 years at least.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New sleep schedule

The last 2 weeks and five days have been the hardest, most exciting, trying and best days of my life so far. I cannot detail how in words, but I can assure you the being a mother is the best reward God ever gave a woman.

Brycen is the love of my life and this is not just a cliché. Each time I look at him he looks different and love him more and more, even when I have only 2 kj of energy left in me.

He is bigger now, 3.5 kgs and getting heavier. Obviously my Kendra-like boobs are serving him well. I would have loved to record his developmental changes for the last 2 weeks but I guess we will start here. I will try and blog as often as I can for I do not want to lose memory of any of his precious growth stages.

So this last week Brycen has changed his sleep schedule from sleeping 8 hours of the day to only… and he cries… will continue later….

Friday, November 25, 2011


Hello Happy People. Here is my lil' Prince. I will update with the birth story as soon as i get time.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

1 Day till Brycen gets here...

Here i am in my room at mom's checking, packing and getting ready for being induced tomorrow. Its weird, but i feel kawa. I kinda expected something to feel different, but other than mild anxiety... i am pretty ok.

I had trouble sleeping last night and could not get my head down till 4am. My tummy is itching a lot and well i guess Brycen is also enjoying his last night inside me. Oh sweetnesss i will miss a lot of things about being pregnant with you:

I will miss your kicks, nudges, and elbow jabs...
I will miss hearing the sound of your heart beat through the mini heart monitoring thingie...
I will miss the feeling of having you inside of me, safe, warm curled up and protected from this harsh world ( that a tear?)
I will miss pressing my tummy, looking for a response from you, and how you would reassuringly nudge me back saying 'am ok mom'- oh my baby...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

3 days Overdue!!

Hehehehe…. I have aced my patience class. Now I consider myself a very patient person. Brycen is still chilling in my womb, and all I can do I wait. They say necessity is the mother of invention, but not anymore, for I have run out of ways to naturally induce labor. There is one method I have been told works 100%, but...hmmm… it’s a complicated one, but to avoid being induced on Sunday, I just might do it.

Lils, I have not forgotten you, and this chap has his own plans obviously. So let’s all just wait. People are calling me and wondering what’s up. My Dad sends me a message everyday reassuring me that the baby will soon be here when he is ready- how sweet!

Am still losing weight, strangely enough, I think it’s the water weight though, and was told Brycen is about 3.5kgs. ha!

Monday, November 7, 2011

6 days to go

Okay seriously Brycen, now you gotta really listen to mama… you need to come out today! Need to! From all the practice contractions I have been getting, I know you are ready to stretch you tiny limbs and come meet mama; and now so am i. Emotionally, physically and as of today, I even feel extra energy all reserved for your grand appearance.

Officially you still have 6 days left, but technically, it is ok for you to come out. Mama cannot wait to see you and I am clearly running out of ways to keep my anxiety and anticipation down. Everyone is waiting, everyone keeps calling me, and even your Cousin Kevin just called all the way from boarding school to find out if you are here yet.

I am not gaining any more weight; I have actually lost a kg the last time I checked, so I imagine neither are you. The aches and discomforts are becoming too much to bear and are somewhat encroaching on my enjoyment of these last days, your kicks and flips. I am so idle and I need ideas on how to pass the time. Last evening I could not believe how excited I was when I got the opportunity to get out of the house and go to town. Considering I am not allowed to drive, I have to rely on someone finding me something to do. I was close to tears when Andrew my brother said that we would not go because it was late. I felt like a child being promised a day at the beach and then all of a sudden it begins to rain.

New cousin Kwame will be here on Wednesday; I imagine it would be double happiness if the both of you came the same day, so how about we make the Bugembe family really have something to celebrate and a day to go crazy about, huh? How does Wednesday 9th seem as a birthday for you?

Friday, November 4, 2011

8 days to go

I can actually see time moving... ever so slowly. Everyone is asking me when when when and i think i am almost running out of ways to be polite in response.

Wamma Brycen, i am ready when you are. Am trying not to listen to the common belief that FTM do not reach full term.

I had a false alarm on wednesday night when the Braxton Hicks intensified and my sis figured it is better to be safe than sorry. So she drove me to hospital at 1am. (see pic in pink dress, the pains were in my upper legs and all over the back, but kept trying to smile)We were sent back 15 mins later coz i was no were near dilated. It's been 2 days now and apart from the ocassional constractions, and aches here and there. everything is calm.

Walking, well...i think this is overrated. I have known people who have walked their heels sore and baby still does not come. I imagine it can help speed up the labor process, but highly doubt it does induce labor. I do, walk once in a while if only to satisfy my conscience and obey my mom, lol.

Above (in black) is, hopefully the last pic i am posting before Brycen gets here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11 days to go!

Just had my last (hopefully) Dr.’s appointment and was this the longest wait ever or what! I waited 4 hours to see the doc!. It was all worth it in the end because all I heard were good news and good reports. So I am not complaining.

Sorry Lils, Brycen will not be an October baby, but will be your God-child nonetheless (smile). This past week, I have felt thing things, and one night was almost sure Brycen would come. The Braxton Hicks are now a daily thing and have even learnt to identify them the moment they begin. Lucy, I do feel mine, I guess I have over read stuff on what they should feel like so I am so aware. Doc confirmed the same this afternoon too.

Back pain, as if period pain has also began, merging with numbness in left leg and increased discharge. Ho ho… this is what I am calling ‘thing things’.

Brycen is engaged, head down position and ready to emerge. After seeing the Doc, now I am also 100% ready. I am 1cm dilated (hehehe) and I know this is a good sign for things to come.

My belly button is finally an outie, have been waiting for this forever, and I think its cute the way it shows through my dresses (wink)

Hopefully my next update will be a detailed recap of Brycen’s delivery… so you had better check back real real soon…

Monday, October 24, 2011

19 days to go!

Well well, is been a while I know, but let’s just say that i am evidently getting lazy. My entire body is tight taunt and about ready to explode.

At this point, whatever I need to do, I do immediately and cannot risk keeping anything for later. I shave every 4 days, have a pedicure every week and recheck and repack everything. I think I am actually adding to my exhaustion. The nesting phase just hit me and yesterday for the first time since February, I washed dishes! Ha! I had to fight the need to go outside and rake the fallen leaves in the compound and the only thing that stopped me is that the activity required me to bend. When I see dudus I want to fumigate the entire house, when I see a messy kitchen top I want to scrub down the floors…. Hehehe… this is exciting.

Brycen is fully cooked now and all systems are go. He is basically just chilling and putting on his last few grams while still in the comfort of my fabulous womb and should be about 2.8kgs. I am now used to my swollen feet, numbness, acne, dark skin, plus new aches and pains that seem to pop up every time I change position. Last night I actually read up on natural ways to induce labor coz I am thinking if he is ready, why he heck is he still in there?

Will be having my internal exam on Monday (yes Lilian it was postponed 2 weeks) to see how things are progressing. Am actually not looking forward to anyone or anything entering my vejayjay and I have heard that the process is rather uncomfortable.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Where are my ankles?

This is it, surely. At this point, there is nothing i can do to bring the swelling in my feet down. My fingers are also constantly numb and puffed up.

In my mind, Brycen is coming in 17 days, hehehe... so i am kinda ok with looking the way i look right now. Lucy said i was beautifully fat, when i was whining about how ugly i looked and felt. I guess i should look in the mirror less often and use my mental mirror to imagine what i look like.

I have to see my OB on Monday to determine how Brycen is coming out, i know he is coming out naturally, i do not want it any other way; but i guess the doctor needs to be sure for himself. Will update you on how it goes...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Labor, let’s bring on the pain!

I do not know my pain threshold, neither do I like being in pain. I yelp when I hit my knee on the corner of a table and cringe at the sight of an injection. I am a first time mom and believe it or not, I am so ready for labor and delivery.

I have overdosed on literature and videos of the whole labor process and and I can actually visualize my lil’ man easing (ok, maneuvering) through my exit. But that is just it, somehow, I do not “see” the pain, the screams and all the drama that I am sure I will cause, all I am seeing in lil’ Brycen, knowing that it is time to meet his mama, using all the little energy he has to push through the muscles and obstacles of my birth canal. I see him, with eagerness, wondering where this road is leading to, and I, with triple eagerness, screaming my lungs out, telling my mind to relax and probably with the least decency imaginable, opening my precious insides for all to see as my angel make his maiden appearance into this glorious world.

I see him, with his round button nose, with a squint in his deep dark eyes, as he comes out into the light. He takes his first breath (the elated feeling of which reduces him to tears),and me, buried in indescribable pain (a feeling which instantly disappears when I his cries); join him in the momentous occasion as I see him for the first time and all glory glory glory be to God!

So pain? What pain, bring it on!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

5 Weeks to go!

5 weeks to go, Really!!!

Well i am so so ready. Everything is packed, and i am ready to pop. Last night i visualised how it would all begin. It would be in the morning at about 4am when the minor contractions will start. I am thinking i would probably wait an hour or two to see if they are consistent before i call Brian and Julie and let them know Brycen is on his way. Though I will be at my Mom's she will be the last person to know, because she will probably get a spike in her blood pressure once she finds out. So i will try n keep it from her as much as i can. At about 7am, when the contractions have intensified and are now painful, we will head to the hospital which is 10 mins away and things will progress from there... right! Hahaha... well this is the plan that i am focusing on in my head and will continue to visualise it until it comes to fruition.

At 34 and a half weeks, well i am hanging in there. I do not feel like i have gained much weight, but i guess i should have considering that Brycen should be about 2.1 kgs at this point. If he grows steadily gaining the recommended .22 grams per week, we should be 3.4 kgs by birth. Ha.... that seems big!

My adorable friends threw me a surprise baby shower on the 25th of September. I was so wonderfully surprised and we had the best time ever. I so love you girlfriends and God bless your kind and thoughtful hearts. I will upload pics when i get them from Irwin.

I am not quite sure which position Brycen is at, at this point coz the kicks and movements are all over the mid-section. Last doctors appointment he was head down and i sure hope he has not moved.

Meanwhile Aunt Angie is planning to make a singer out of you Baby B, mbu you gotta be a superstar. She will train you and nurture your talent (hoping you inherit the singing voice from your mama) and Justin Bieber will have nothing on you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I wish someone had told me...

I found this on one of my favorite baby sites and i thought it would help my readers when they are expecting mothers, and myself. (irene, lils, take special note, lol). It is a really good read, i promise...

…that never say never.
…that your mind is stronger than the contractions. Even when it feels like they are going to take over you your mind always overrules.
…how much it burns when the baby’s head is just starting to come out and in the process of coming out.
…that "sleep when baby sleeps" is soooo much easier said than done.
…that Breastfeeding in the beginning can be hard.
…that your baby won't always latch right away.
…how EMPOWERING birth can truly be!
…Water water water! WATER. Water before, during, and after labor.
…that cramps afterwards can hurt worse than labor.
…about the hemorrhoids after a vaginal birth
…that it is ok that your milk doesn’t come in right away.
…that babies are ok with just colostrum for the first week
...that to me it really did feel like the biggest bowel movement as my baby was making her way down past my pelvic down and into crowning.
…that you may very well sweat uncontrollably for weeks after the birth, and pee like a race horse as your body flushes all that water out.
…that lochia (post-partum bleeding) smells just like the lovely smells of your new baby and NOTHING like a menstrual period.
…that breast milk is AWESOME for cradle cap.
…that the breast feeding cramps during the first few days post-partum would be fairly intense, like early labor.
…that just 10 minutes of direct sun light on cracked/scabbed nipples will heal them overnight.
…that during contractions relax your jaw! It sounds silly, but you'll feel yourself tensing up & your jaw is a reflection of your pelvis. So relax it & your body can get more out of the contraction.
…to recognize that YES the contractions are painful, but as you feel them, recognize them for what they are, don't tell yourself they aren't bad, talk through each contractions, these are painful, but I am getting closer to seeing my baby, this will end.
…that your breasts can leak a lot at night. Make sure you have a water protector on your bed, and sleep with a towel so you don't have to change the sheets every morning.
…that its not so much about being the kind of parent (or birthing mother) as it is about it's the type of child God makes for you that makes you the parent (or birthing mother) you become. Rest and let things be the way they are.
…how hungry I would be after.
…to write down what you want to remember.
…not turn down help. If anyone offers, be shameless.
…to be ready for panic attacks/crying fits/losing all logic.
…that you might not get the natural urge to push, like you read/learn about. You might have to do it willingly and consciously.
…that if you look at your vaginal area in the first week postpartum, don't freak out! Everything will shrink down and tighten up in time.
…that modesty really does go out the window (for me anyhow), a lot of people are going to see you naked.
…that having a birthing partner can be very helpful if you're birthing in a hospital, even if it means that your partner is the one wiping your bum when the nurses don't come help you while you yell that you're pooping.
...that the pain can be so strong during transition that you may throw up... a lot... while pooping and shooting pee out at the same time
...that it’s okay to make noise
…that when the contractions are so bad that you feel terrified of the next one coming or feel like crying, try as hard as you can to clear your head and not think about the next contraction.
…that if you lose a lot of blood, rebuild your iron asap and rest as much as you can in the coming weeks. It can take a very long time for the dizzy spells and things to go away.
…that you can ask the nurses to take pictures if you don't have someone to do it for you. Don't forget to take that first "family picture" while still at the hospital.
…to change your breast pads OFTEN! Air your breasts out as much as you can! I spend the first weeks after birth topless pretty much.
…that pushing the baby out takes time
…that warm baths are amazing during labor
…that Cabbage leaves, fresh from the fridge are the best things in the world for sore, full-to-the-brim breasts. Sooo soothing, and cheap!
…that it can be normal for the labia to be really swollen after birth!!!
…that Breast milk is great to clear skin up if u break out after having baby. Yes put the breastmilk on ur face like mask it's great!
…that you will still look like you're 5 months pregnant the week after you deliver. ...thatIt takes a while for the belly to firm up again. Be patient.
…to have someone take a few photos along the way during labor
…that it was okay to nap in between my contraction
…that being stitched up is way worse than any part of labor.
...that it might not hurt when your milk comes in.
…to take the pushing part more slowly
…how exhausting pushing is.
…that tensing my muscles would make the pain more intense.
…that fear made the pain more intense.
…that if you really want to push in a squatting position but are too tired, try a supported squat with your labor support
…that after birth, just pee in the shower for a few days. Get in, turn it on, pee, and then use the shower and/or peri bottle to clean everything.
…that when getting induced and going natural that "getting rest" does not mean neglecing to manage the contractions.
…that until your milk comes in, your baby will want to stay attached to your boob constantly.
…that babies smell so good, and that I could fall in love so utterly and completely and instantly.
…that as you near pushing and your body starts "pre-pushes" you feel like your bowels are going to be pushed out.
…that If the baby is down for a nap and you want to catch a shower, take the baby monitor in the bathroom with you.
…that If you start to shake uncontrollably near transition, it is totally ok and normal. Just lay down and let your body take over.
…that you will miss being pregnant.
…that it's strange that the focus is off of you and onto the baby. People are so nice and helpful when you're pregnant, but once that baby arrives, you're old news. It hurts.
…that upper thigh pain during transition. It was killer! I had no idea that body part might hurt. It was scary!
…that don't feel bad telling people "right now is not a good time to come over."
…that sleep when the baby sleeps, seriously.
…to take sitz bath as often as you can. I didn't tear at all, but it helped with the soreness.
…not to be afraid of pushing on my back. In the end it was the only position I had energy for.
…to rest for more than one contraction while pushing.
…not to forget to prepare for pushing! I had mentally prepared myself for the pain during contractions, but not for pushing.
…that delivering the placenta starts to feel like delivering the baby all over again,

Monday, September 26, 2011

My First Antenatal Class, Haha!

Last Saturday I attended my first birth/antenatal class. It was interesting and not what I expected to say the least.

I went with high expectations and excitement to IHK- I mean birth class!, this was a new thing (in Uganda) and having read the detailed time table of the topics for each week on the bulletin board on the maternity ward a week before, I was sure this was going the real thing like I had heard from friends like Lucy and read from BabyCenter. Okay, I think I forgot that I live in Uganda and I got my head buried in the stories I was reading online.

I sauntered into the class and 10:45 am, restless, eager and mad at myself for being 15 mins late. I had already missed three classes (plus the most important, to me, about labor and birth) and thus had resolved to make the most out of the remaining 5 classes. I was escorted by a nice nurse to the physiotherapy room where the classes were scheduled to be held. Before this, however, this nice nurse had no idea about the classes when I asked her at the reception. She was sure I was either lost or mistaken and had first told me that the classes were not held at the hospital and that if they were, Saturday was not the day. My heart sunk for 10 seconds and I felt a slight mixture of disappointment and anger begin to rise from bulging tummy. I mean, I had been reliably told by my midwife a week before about the classes and it was on her recommendation that I was there. Was she wrong? Did she tell me the wrong day, or location? After having a hurried breakfast, driving like a maniac in the morning rain and parking in a muddy parking spot all in the hope of being on time, and then this! Someone was truly gonna pay. Strike 1!

Luckily, before my heated emotions rose to heightened levels enough to be translated into ape-like rage, the nice nurse calmly asked me to take a seat while she made further inquiries. Lucky girl! Hehehe….

I sat on the hard bench and I waited for a while, waving off a few rude flies away from my feet. After 5 mins, which seemed like 30 to me, I gave this “nice” (now seemingly less nice) nurse one stern look then she immediately dialed a number. I walked back to her desk and asked her to direct me to the classroom if she were busy and she went “I am making the call just now, to confirm your class”- Strike 2!

I sat back down and 30 seconds later she asked me to follow her to the physiotherapy room. Yay! With my protruding self in tow, we walked through the triage, the children’s center, the staff dinning, the hospital kitchen, the oxygen store and towards what seemed like the hospital backyard; until I finally saw the Physiotherapy Room sign. Nice nurse (now she seemed was nice again) introduced me to our class instructor and we exchanged greetings. Shockingly, I was the first student to arrive. So I was asked to wait (again) for the others. It was understandable since it was a rainy morning so I figured my other classmates were delayed. So I busied myself familiarizing myself with the room. I saw birth balls, floor mats, a treadmill, 2 beds, and some cushy comfortable looking like floor things. This is it, I thought. I remembered a picture from Afromeetseuro blog by Lucy with similar like equipment of her birth class and I my excitement grew. I was like wooo…it’s the real thing. I was however concerned that the room was kinda messy, and all this equipment was piled into one corner of the room and there were chairs arranged in a semi-circle. They I had better not make us sit on these hard chairs, I thought to myself, for I was dressed in cotton crop pants convenient enough to do squats, stretches and generally sit on the floor and do what I imagined should be done in the antenatal classes like practice breathing and go through the labor and birth positions, (I thought this should be done at every class.

I had waited about 5 mins when three other ladies and one gentleman walked in and we were ready to begin. Our topic for the day was about how to bathe the baby, clean the cord and take care of baby skin. To my disappointment, we were asked to sit on the dreaded chairs! Urrgghhh. Strike 3!

The class started at 11:00am and I sat unhappily on the ka chair. The instructor seemed shy and a tad too young, if you asked me. She stammered through the first few sentences of her talk and I felt sorry for her. I lessened my frown (from not sitting on the floor) at her, and forged a coy smile in an effort to ease her now obvious nervousness. She went through the baby bathing, cord cleaning and skin care techniques and gradually I started paying attention. We asked questions were we needed to and she answered (not to my satisfaction) but as traditionally as she could. I realized, as the class went ahead that this was nothing like what i had anticipated. After the topic discussion, I asked her if she could recap on last weeks’ lesson about labor and birth. She gladly obliged and she ran through it. As she went on, I realized that this was not like the classes I had read about, nor was the experience going to be anything like what I was reading about in my Bradley book. This was clearly a Uganda- oriented class and everything she said was as traditional, out-dated and this-is-what-my-grandma-said kinda stuff. She said we didn’t need to do any exercises, that there is nothing that can be done about the pain, episiotomies are almost inevitable and nothing about breathing techniques (I specifically asked her about these and she gave a 2 second demonstration by panting like a thirsty cat). Strike 4!

I had, by now, learned to hide my disappointments and was just going with the flow. One of the ladies started asking, what I originally thought were ignorant questions, but later realized she was naïve. She asked what she can do so that her baby does not grow big, if she can wear a swimming costume and a C-section scar not show, if the c-section scar was black or brown and if as time goes by the stomach gets heavy. Needless to say, she gave us quite a laugh.

To cut the long experience short, this class is basically a discussion on what to expect basing on tradition in Uganda. I was the only one in the third trimester, which obviously showed that there were no rules or guidelines that are followed. Now I am not so eager anymore, but if only to get acquainted with the hospital staff and environment for when Brycen comes, I will continue to attend. I feel like I could be a better birth class instructor just from what I have read, but then again, this is Uganda, and I do not know if people are ready to be told that the truth about Natural Childbirth.

Dang! (No more strikes coz i have lost all hope)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Third Trimester "You Know When..."

From one of the favorite reads on the right, this is my third trimester “You Know When…”
• There are food stains on all my clothes that I do not notice till after my meals
• Every time I sneeze while seated at my desk I hit my tummy on the desk a little too hard. (sorry Baby B)
• I break a sweat walking from the car to the office, and from the living room to my bedroom.
• I Exercise in my head more than actual exercise.
• I select my shoes based on which would be the easiest to put on.
• I visit the bedroom where Brycen’s stuff is every evening and refold and rearrange everything everyday
• I do not know what I lived for before expecting. What else is there? Lol
• I do not put any thought to shaving, I just do it and do not care when I have missed a patch.
• I get random hot flashes suddenly and the ice is never cold enough to keep me cool
• My ankles look like… ankles? Well I no longer have any.
• I want to eat wedding cakes every Saturday.
• I use my toes to pick up things off the ground.

8 Weeks to go

I am looking at baby poop!. Do not be alarmed, Brycen is not here yet, but because of boredom, I was reading an article of what to expect the first few weeks at home and there were pictures of different types of poop; ah… the things mothers do!

It is week 32, and I think fatigue is setting in. Last night I slept for 12 straight hours and right now I am still tired. The only thing that keeps me active is the fact that I have to go to work for at least 5 hours (lucky me) each day. I so need to work on my walking exercises. Weird however, is the fact that I seem to be losing weight. I am not too sure about this, but though I look heavier, I feel it, my chest and legs are seemingly smaller. Or is it the comparison to the gynormous belly that makes them appear thus, I do not know…

Last week there were a few positive developments, most important of which was that I fired my OBGYN! Ha! And I am so happy about it.

It’s a long story, but to summarize it, she is a scalpel happy Dr., does not show much TLC for me and my little one, she rushes through every check-up and worst of all, she gave me dangerous drugs. Scary, right? Am sure you are thinking why did I not see all this all this while; well it was until she told me Brycen was head-down when I was sure I was feeling the kicks in my pelvic area that I went for a second US elsewhere, where they re-tested, re-asked, and re-analyzed my pregnancy for a good 5 hours after which I realized my OB was not the right one for me. The personal care, interest and professionalism they showed really impressed me. The same I found at the reception, waiting area, triage, lab, ultrasound …all places I went to, even in the security officers- all were very very caring and professional. Hence, I signed up with IHK, opened a file and are beginning my antenatal classes there on Saturday (am already 3 classes late)

Brycen has not turned yet and I am about to do some crazy stunts to ensure this. I know he will turn when ready, blah blah blah… but just for the fun of it, I have read that there are a few ‘techniques’ that can help. I will update you on the success of failure rate of each as I go along.

*Total weight gain: -3 kgs (from my last measurement)

*How big is baby?: Exactly 1.8 kgs! Yay!

*Sleep?: Like a mofo! Turning in bed is as if a truck, lol.
*Best moment this week? Seeing him kick in the US, firing my OB, spending 3 days with my sisters laughing, talking, eating and doing all girly and sisterly stuff!

*What I’m looking forward to: Pushing! Believe it or not!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9 weeks to go- I need to vent!

I am tired, grouchy and sleepy. and i am tired of being tired, grouchy and sleepy. i can only sleep after 1am and can never find a comfortable position for more than 30 mins. hence i am exhausted all the time. i hate food. i do not want to think about food, because it is all the same everyday. I am told i need to exercise so i walk, squat, tailor sit and practice my kegels, but my doc is silent on whether she is cutting me or i am pushing, hence i am probably getting more tired for nothing. I am fat, my nose is shiny all the time (lol)

every time i walk into office people keep telling me why i bother coming, but i cannot sit home for the next 7-9 weeks looking at the ceiling. coz am tired of the house. i want to move to an island and live with half-dressed people who sing, fish and dance to African rhythms all day long. i am ready to choke the next person who tells me to stay home.

Every time i look at the calender its like its going backwards, its been September for 3 months! Now i think Nabiteko gave me a cold, my throat itches and i have a dry cough. am not allowed to take any medication to ease the cold hence i have to woman up and let it heal on its own. When i do not feel the baby kick for more than 2 hours my blood pressure rises. i poke and massage and take chocolate and imbibe gallons of ice cold water to make him move. Then after he does, i spend the next 3 hours going to the toilet every 5 mins!

OH... now i feel much better. I just needed to vent.

[update, 4 hours later]...

....I am a bitch...
I do not want to be touched, smiled at, looked at or be around many people. Everyone seems to have an agenda when I look at them.

The other day I went banging at the neighbour’s gate wanting to tell them to stop throwing their rubbish over the wall. Honestly, I think that is pretty rude to say the least, and after watching them for 2 days and seeing the rubbish pile up, I went ape crazy on the poor gateman who let me in. I promised to call the LC and cops on them next time; but I think at this rate, I could take them on my own.

I do not want to do anything and I get irritated when I am doing nothing. I cannot walk 5 mins without feeling a nudging pain in my pelcvis… ah these pregnancy hormones, you gotta love them.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Video Blog- Day 215

Hello Happy people,

Last evening i decided, out of sheer boredom, to start a video blog for the last weeks of my pregnancy. This lack of sleep has me doing crazy things in the middle of the night, and this video is one of them. Then i thought, "i could really keep up with this."- so here it is.

This is the first of many, and i hope, i will be able to keep it up, at least 2 times a week.

PS: I know i looked terrible, but i had spend 2 hours tossing and turning in bed, so please be kind. Oh, and i am using my phone to make these recordings (I do not have a video camera) so i hope the quality of recording ain't too bad.


Monday, September 5, 2011

10 Weeks to go

Ok the diet didn’t go as planned, because now not I cannot stand food, any food. The smell of it irks me yet I am hungry all the time…HELP! Last night I had beans and bread for dinner.

Heart burn, sleepless nights, fatigue have now taken over. Its hurts so much to be really tired but cannot find a suitable position to lie in, nor find sleep to take away my misery. Oh Brycen- you are already taking over my life even before you get here… I can only sleep after 11pm and wake up at least 5 times in the night to pee. My guess is that the baby is sitting on my bladder at this point hence the toilet runs. He kicks right in the middle of my tummy and I cannot figure out which position he is laying. I hope my doc will tell me this afternoon when I see her. I also have been reading a lot on natural child birth and are so hoping to push this baby. No surgery, no nedda

Today my little one is 30 weeks, about 37 cm long now, and he weighs almost 1.25 kg- with the yoghurt I have been eating, I am hoping a lil’ more than this.
I have been psyching myself up to push this baby, but last night I found out that my preferred OB is scalpel happy. Suffice it to say am so disappointed. I want to be super woman and push in spite of the infamous pain I have heard so well about. What do I do?

I conquered nipple pain, heart burn and stretch marks- yay! This is my milestone this week.

But there is more … i cannot understand the numbness that I occasionally feel in my fingers! Its unnerving, to say the least. 10 weeks to go and time is creeping so so slow. These last 2 weeks have felt like a month. I am so ready to have Brycen right now! I should, but I do not see myself getting any bigger.

Monday, August 29, 2011

11 Weeks To Go

So I hate boiled eggs and yet I have just had 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast, why? Because yesterday I found one of the best books (I believe) regarding child birth. I have searched for information and read quite a lot of articles online about child birth, natural child birth; but nothing breaks it down like the Bradley Method of Natural Child Birth book. I read till page 44 last night and if not for the level of fatigue I felt, I could have gone on all night. Wel, the book recommended a high protein diet which after reading I realized my diet was mostly carbs, yuck- right? So I am chaning it today. Other than the usual legumes I normally consume, I am going to add meat, skimmed milk, chicken, cheese (all which I hate right now); and cut out bread, cereal, matooke and white rice… haha, will I manage?

I will surely have a pile of questions for my antenatal class instructor come October 1st- thinking of, the classes I have signed up for are for 4 weeks- is this normal? I thought 12 weeks was the basic length! But well, its Uganda, and I will accept the best I can get.

So, I have 11 weeks and 3 days left, and boy am I getting tired! I cannot imagine myself getting any bigger and rounder than I already am. I keep bumping my tummy while opening doors, coz I have not yet factored in roundness of this bump- yes it is BIG!

Good news- I am done with all my shopping… now its time to pack and make a checklist for everything I should have. I do not want to be caught unprepared coz that will throw me of balance and ruin my mental environment that I am planning to build while in labour- yes, I am going to psyche myself up into some sorta zen state for pushing- call me crazy, but I need something to handle the contractions, oh sorry, the “sensations”- haha

Brycen is kicking quite a punch these days

Time to practice my kegels- 300 flexes a day.. haha….let’s see how it goes.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

13 weeks to go!

Your chances of survival, if born now, are 70%! Your lungs are developing and you should be able to take your first breath by the end of this week (now that is cause for celebration!)Now someone can hear your heartbeat from the outside, I so gotta try this out.

How far along?: 26 Weeks, 3 days

*Total weight gain: +9 kgs

*How big is baby?: You are about 760 grams (what?) and is 14 inches long head-to-heel.

*Maternity clothes?: Yes

*Sleep?: Ugh, becoming difficult. I have 4 pillows all around me, and I need more!
*Best moment this week? Feeling him shift positions and seeing my tummy stretch.

*Movement?: As if an alien… a lot, and I so enjoy it. To me its like our moss code.

*Food cravings?: Beans again… and extra spicy chips and Beef from Chicken Tonight.

*Labor signs?: Nope.

*Belly button in or out?: Will it ever come out?… its just flat.

*What I miss: uninterrupted sleep, Whisky, coffee, exercising.

*What I’m looking forward to: The nesting period and finally getting flexible enough to do perineal massage myself. The thought of someone else doing it for me is scary.

*Milestone: Into the third and final Trimester we come.

*Feelings this week: I feel so big (and look it) and I miss my energy. Where can I get some? Plus am so bored every day, I need something new and exciting to do all the time.

*Belly Picture this week: look up.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I Need to Know

Below are some of the few pointers that i found interesting and informative from one of the fave pregnancy websites. They are pointers my an experienced mother of 6 who is not afraid to tell it like it is. Hope i will remember all this when the need arises.

Milk In The Eyes

A lot of babies will at some stage have a blocked tear duct or a minor eye infection. One of the best things you can do before racing off to the doctor is to put a few drops of breast milk in the eye in the case of infection or to give it a bit of a clean out if it looks inflamed. Breast milk is full of antibodies so can help clear up minor infections. Obviously if the problem persists or you are really worried then it is best to also get medical advice but get that milk dripping before the appointment, it can't do any harm.
PS. I have heard you can even put it on burns or infections on yourself or the lil’un at home and it works wonders!

Perineal Massage.

For those that do not know what the perineum is, it is the skin between your vagina and anus. This is the area that is most likely to tear if you are going to. For those who have done it, they have never tore.

The First Wee After Birth.

The first time you wee after having your baby can be interesting to say the least. It all depends on how your birth has gone and if you have any grazing or tearing. If you have war wounds or even if you don't, position yourself leaning forward on the loo. This allows the urine to run forwards and miss any tears (hopefully). Also, do not allow your bladder to get too full or it can cause more after pain contractions. Always have a fresh pad ready to go as the gravity and movement will cause more bleeding. I can't mention the first wee without mentioning the first bowel motion. This is something that is often dreaded if you have had stitches or a really bad tear. The main thing is not to hold off going as you will only end up constipated. Make sure you drink plenty to keep things soft. Until things get better, it can help to support your perineum. Fold up some clean toilet paper and gently give counter pressure while having a bowel movement, a bit like they do when you are giving birth so that you don't tear. You will soon find out what helps you personally.

Healing sun.

Sun is a great healer. There is nothing better than getting the sun on the war wounds of birth. I have only torn once in birth with my first baby (never felt it at the time). It was a nasty tear but I wouldn't worry too much about it happening as most people do not feel it at the time. It was afterwards that it was more of a bother. A spray bottle of tea tree oil to keep things fresh and baring all to the sun is great. The sun is also great for sore/cracked nipples and also for a baby with jaundice. Just find a private spot where you will not receive a surprise visit from some unexpected guest and let the sun do its wonders.

The Shakes

Someone else left me a message that they thought I should add to this section and it is one I can relate to. Soon after birth it is not uncommon to get the shakes, not because of blood loss or cold just a very normal body response after birth. Legs and especially the thighs can become uncontrollable. This can also happened during the transition phase of birth. I cannot blame it on a long labor either as my last 3 were only 2 hours. I have heard labor likened to running a marathon the body goes thru a lot and uses huge amounts of energy. My shaking doesn't last too long and then I'm up in the shower but it's good to know this may happen so don't get a fright.

Post natal depression

Most of us will have times of feeling overwhelmed during pregnancy and times of feeling down once baby has arrived. With tiredness that you have never felt before and the demand of a new born, things can be a little more difficult to manage. Usually, amongst feeling this way, we will still be able to smile and enjoy our baby but for some, things progress a bit further and depression sets in. This depression causes those who are experiencing it to be unable to enjoy their baby and life in general becomes too hard to cope with. My personal view to help keep on top of things is to have a good support network around you. It may not keep the blues away entirely but it will help. If you do not have family around you then ask some friends to help out. If you are struggling to find joy in your life and with your new baby, do seek help from friends and see your doctor. It can be a very sad and lonely place to be when you feel depressed and I realise not everyone has the support they need. I think it is an area that the west needs to be more aware of and we need to do more to look after our new Mums.

Night and Day

I often hear Mums saying that their babies seem to have the day and night back the front so I thought I would let you in on my couple of secrets that have worked for me. This is not a scientifically proven approach but it is what has worked for me. Hope it can help you too.

1) During the day time keep the curtains open when baby naps.
2) At night only use very dim lighting to feed.
3) During the day, feed baby as soon as it wakes up. After the feed make sure baby wakes up for a while. As I try to get a 3hrly routine going ( see my post no.11 The first eight weeks for more info on this) I try to keep baby awake for 1.5hrs each time (this includes the feed time, they may be a bit sleepy during the feed though) I find a nappy change, cold cloth to the feet, a bath can all help to wake a sleepy baby. Some babies need more work at keeping them awake but it pays off in the end.
4) At night, do not stimulate the baby after a feed. Feed and put straight back to bed. I start doing this from about 9pm onwards. If a nappy change is needed then try and do it half way through a feed so baby will go off to sleep again.

So it's not rocket science but may take a bit of training. If baby is kept awake in the day and gets to see the light during the day then come night it will be ready to sleep. Even if baby is waking for a feed at night he/she should then settle back to sleep quickly without having a waking time and keeping you all up. Lets face it, it's hard to stay awake in the middle of the night, I'd much rather enjoy my little one during the daylight hours.

Baby Poop

The first poop your baby does is called myconium and it is black and sticky like tar. It can take quite a bit of cleaning to get this off and initially it is hard to know how hard you can wipe. I found girls easier to clean than boys in the first stages. A friend of mine told me that she plasters the baby’s bottom with vaseline when it is first born and it makes cleaning off the myconium much easier, I have not tried this myself but may give it a go this time around. Remember to wipe girls from front to back so you don't introduce fecal matter in to the urethra. The amount your baby poops is also widely varied. Some babies will poo little bits all day, others will save one big poo per day and do it all the way up their backs and others may only go every second, third, fourth day. Some may even hold on for a week. Mums often worry that their baby is constipated if they do not go every day but it is very hard for a baby just having milk to get constipated. If you are concerned then a teaspoon of brown sugar dissolved in water can help. Don't obsess too much about how much they poo. As long as they have plenty of wet nappies then you know they are getting enough milk.

Peeing Your Pants

A lot of us find that sneezing and coughing during pregnancy can cause great pressure on the bladder and cause a wee woopsy. We can put it down to a baby pushing on the bladder and less control. The thing I want to mention now is about after birth. LEARN YOUR BLADDER EXERCISES NOW!!!!!! Get onto your pelvic floor exercises straight away after birth. The other up side is that exercises can also do wonders for your sex life.

Bleeding After

It goes without saying that blood is involved when giving birth and that you bleed a bit after birth. The thing I was not aware of when I had my first baby was that straight after birth you can bleed quite heavily and it was hard to know if this was a normal amount to lose or if I was hemorrhaging. It seemed to gush out at times especially when I moved, much more than having your period. No one was concerned at the amount I was losing so I guessed It was all normal and it was, each baby has been the same since. Pads are essential and they need to be really good thick absorbing pads. Clots can also form and I had times when the bleeding had slowed and then a large clot would pass and the blood flow would start again. If you are continually passing large clots followed by great gushing of blood then you do need to get it checked out or if you are soaking through pads in minutes of putting a new one on.
Lastly on this topic, you can bleed for up to six weeks post baby. During those six weeks the bleeding will gradually ease off and change colour from red to pink to a brown and may even stop for a few days and then start again. It pays to keep wearing pads for a while after your bleeding stops just in case it does start to flow again.


After birth and for the next six weeks or so It is not uncommon to wake up drenched in sweat. I used to find I was absolutely so wet, with drips even falling from the back of my knees.
I have read a couple of reasons for this, one being hormones and the other that your body's getting rid of the extra fluid that it retained during pregnancy. Not so nice for you or the man you are sharing a bed with. I don't have any advice for this but to ride it out. It does eventually stop.


When baby is first born they don't always breathe straight away and it can be a little scary. Usually it seems longer than it actually is. The movies always show the baby coming out and screaming straight away. Don't worry if this doesn't happen as quickly as you expect. My 4th baby took about 1.5 minutes to breath and it felt like half an hour while I waited. I guess we just want that reassurance that all is well.

Surviving the first 8 weeks

Of my own personal experience, the first eight weeks you are in survival mode. You are tired, perhaps sore nipples and you feel like your body is not your own. The good news is that despite all this you can cope with tiredness because the joy of having a new baby outweighs the tiredness. For first time Mums it can seem forever and you may even think that this is how it is going to be for ever and ever. Rest assured there is light at the end of the tunnel. I often find that after about 8 weeks baby/Mum settles into a routine ( I encourage routine, I'm not big on demand feeding) Even if you do not routine feed, baby tends to become more settled and predictable.
Sample routine:
I tend to adopt a flexible routine. I am not bound by the clock but use it as a guide. I find I very quickly can distinguish my babies cries because I know where he is at in his routine. Here's my routine in very basic form:
1) Baby wakes, I feed him
2) Keep baby awake for a while, nappy change, play, bath etc (Feeding and wake time take about 1.5hrs)
3) Baby goes to bed (sleeps about 1.5 hrs).
In total it is about a 3hr cycle give or take half an hour between feeds as sometimes baby has a grow or is unsettled. O So to really summarize, I feed every 3 hrs to start with in the first few weeks but may be flexible depending on baby having a growth spurt. The routine mustn't rule you but it gives you a good guideline of what to expect when. I wouldn't do it any other way. I choose to feed baby when he first gets up rather than to nurse him to sleep as I find Nursing to sleep can become a habit that is very hard to break later on. I like my babies to be able to fall asleep on their own with the occasional nursing to sleep if unsettled.
So there you have it. That's how I have done it for all 5 babies and I wouldn't change it if you paid me. I have seen too many Mums run ragged with demand feeding. Some people love demand feeding and have the time and energy to feed their baby every time he cries and it works for them. It's not wrong to demand feed but I do think it can tire you out very quickly. Everyone will have their own opinions on this and although I encourage routine I do not encourage being bound by routine but I also don't encourage your baby ruling your life.

Your Baby May Salute You

After 3 lovely girls I finally had my first boy. Although I knew the male anatomy was different I was a little stumped as to how hard I could wash these wee little testicles (actually they were quite huge at birth which is very normal). I quickly found out they were pretty robust.
The thing I was not prepared for is that boys have erections right from the start. That’s right your baby may salute you soon after birth. It is also not uncommon to find a little touch of blood in their nappy for the first few weeks. Apparently it is to do with hormones. Both boys and girls can also get enlarged breasts and leak milk.'

Thursday, July 28, 2011

16 Weeks to Birth

Its now downhill from here- as in counting down to birth, Instead of counting up from conception .

Brycen is growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long about the size of an ear of corn and he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. He can also make fists now and I definitely feel the effects of that all day.

This week has been pretty smooth, my spirits are very high and I am happy. Finally, I saw Aunt Angie yesterday and we are so waiting for her to give you another playmate. (hint). My appetite has gone to the dogs. All I want are fruits and none of food. I have resorted to having yoghurt and milk when I can, just for you baby.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

23 Weeks

Here is a full photo for you Lucy. I took it last night in the dark, so its not so clear, but its ok i guess.

Meanwhile i think we finally have a name for you Baby B. How do u like to be called Brycen? Cool huh... Just got it today from Aunt Lils and i am so so loving it.

Am sure your Grandparents are tired of grandchildren's names they cannot pronounce, what with Emilian, Kayron and now Brycen, hehehehe.

Friday, July 15, 2011

22 Weeks, 4 days.

So now I think it is safe to say that we are just past half way and baby is now really active. At 19cm long and weighing in at about 350g (350? Then why have I gained 7kgs?) He is packing quite a punch! He kicks in the morning, then at about lunch time, then in the late afternoon, then in the evening and he lulls me to sleep with his kicks at 9pm.

You are now the size of a small pawpaw…hearing everything I say. I hope you find my voice soothing, especially when I am singing in traffic, lol.

Now am so noticeably pregnant, everyone I know gives me that knowing smile, or accepting nod; some even stand up and ululate- like your great Uncle Sekitto. He stood up, danced, while clapping and singing endearing poems for me. “Finally!” most of my relatives said, “you have done a good thing.”- They think!

As if my ever-expanding belly wasn't enough — now my feet are getting in on the act! My shoes do not fit no more (sob sob).

I asked by OB about my birth plan and she says is too soon to discuss it. I am anxious to know how you are coming out. All the squatting, and drinking of clay, yes clay- (your Dad thinks it’s something else) will not go unrewarded, I gotta push!

The nipple pain! God grief! No one told me about this and how painful it is, banange! My nipples usually get hard and so ridiculously painful I am sure a tear or two roll down my cheeks. Its like a nail has been driven through them.

My belly button is now flat- level with the tummy… soon it will be an outie and I will look a child with a protruding navel… ah life!

This morning i am too lazy to stand up and take a pic, so here is one while am sited at my desk.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

20 Weeks!

How far along?: 20 Weeks

*Maternity clothes?: Like all the time, am running out of fitting ones though and I hate the “tents” that now only seem to only fit.

*Sleep?: Awkward. I use 4 pillows and turn every 3 hours…

*Best moment this week? Knowing am half-way there, and finding a cheap store to buy good quality baby stuff.

*Movement?: small small ones. Strange that I am not feeling them as much as last month…or it is coz am so busy I seem to never settle down lest am going to bed.

*Food cravings?: I hate everything.

*Labor signs?: Nope.

*Belly button in or out?: half innie-half outie

*What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, exercising and sleeping late.

*What I’m looking forward to: knowing my birth plan and shopping for baby.

*Feelings this week: fatigue- I want to stay home all day and do nothing. After my first shopping, I now feel mummyish…

Thursday, June 16, 2011

18 weeks

The little man has become amazingly mobile, passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. Well, littlest is also becoming not so little and now weighs about 150g, a little more than the size of a sweet potato.

This little man has been moving kinda a lot lately, and this for some reason, sends me to the porcelain seat a little more often than usual (remember its already unusual at this stage) yet...

…..and the cleavage, my word! My boobs are on fire. They itch like crazy and are as turgid as water balloon. I cannot ever dare wear a push-up bra. Am all the way up to a cup E from DD!!

Am somewhat not too stressed about people touching my belly. I touch it a lot myself and mama was telling me yesterday that I over touch it… well when the lil’ man is kicking… I feel things, things.

Aunt Lucy had Leon exactly 19 day ago and he is such an angel. Hope you will be buddies, online buddies at least (wink)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

IT'S A BOY!!!!

My oh my... i cannot contain myself. I am having a boy. I have like a gazillion names swinging in my head and am still teary eyed from the 3D pictures i have plastered on my desk.

Oh God is gracious and faithful!

16 Weeks Baby!

Oh glorious…. I could not wait to get here and we are here baby…and you have wasted no time in showing your excitement too… what with all the fluttters and nudging these days.

You are about the size of an Avocado and I now need to watch what i say because tiny bones forming in your ears thus you can now pick up my voice….i am so gonna sing for you…woooohoooo…. Your eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are also forming.

Today I am scheduled for a 3D ultra sound and I could easily check the gender…but I am not sure… I do not want false information.. so I might wait till next month… unless you are a boy which will make it easier to see…ohhhhh… unbelievable!
But oh have I gotten big…eish. My love for beans is growing each day, but interestingly though I am discovering new local dish delicacies I had ignored, like Malewa (Bamboo shoots), Byenda (cow intestines) and Ntula (whats the English name for those things? Hehehe).

Gotta run, my appointment is in 30 mins… laterz

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

13 weeks 1 day

What did happen this week is that I started showing all of a sudden! It's like my belly just popped out. I feel like I am in my 14th month! So I need to change my wardrobe ASAP.

This week, my love, you are about the size of a lemon:

You can make a fist and even suck your thumb this week. Your eyelids are fused shut and your bones and skull are solidifying and soon itsy-bitsy ribs may appear. Your vocal cords and larynx are completed now and you are now about 20 grams and are nearly 3 inches long.

Not much to do this week, other than another Dr.’s appointment on Wednesday. I am feeling much much better though; and I resumed some light exercises so my energy (and libido) is back. No kidding!

Was watching a natural delivery documentary on Sunday with big sis Ann, and ho…ho…seems like I need to psyche myself up starting now. Pushing is no joke…but lets first see how Ann does it, if she can, I can.

Am still struggling with food; I cannot decide what I want. Lately am eating vegetables only. Last night I had Egg plants and silver fish for supper and boy was it tasty. This morning, I could not stand milk nor cereal so I had katogo for breakfast. Aha…am enjoying it though. It’s like a food adventure as if. One standard thing though is that I cannot stand meat. Yuck!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For Aunt Lils

Aunt Lils has asked to see how you look today... Eish! even me i am shocked. Baby B you had better slow down, coz i can only get so big, lol.

Should start ordering for African Mango weight loss for after you are born.. hehehehe.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It is Official

When the say that now the uterus grows 1cm each week, they are not kidding. I think i can see my tummy growing, literally. This is scary.

In a few weeks,I will miss sleeping on my tummy. Its kinda beginning to be a hustle...what with the new Pam Anderson boobs and all. I feel like am lying on two water balloons while i sleep...not cool.

Baby B, today you are probably having your first little poop-n-pee, lol; which means more liquid to send me to the already increasing rides to the porcelain if i am not looking suspicious enough...

I think now 80% of the people at the office know (with the exception of the clueless men). So at 3 months, it is now official and public news that i am having a baby. So its time to share the news with my close friends...lets see how many volunteer God-mamas and Papas you will have :-)

PS: Aunt Lils is God-mama from Kenya...yey!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

12 weeks....yey!

Finally we are here... and i am glad i am feeling much much better. I have energy and am planning to resume my squats and lunges. Time to get fit baby.. coz you gonna have to pop out, one way or the other. So i need to prepare your "exit door" (hihi).

Today, my love, you are a big boy/girl, about the size of a plum and are now going to start to just get bigger. (Obviously, so am i)

Now, the worst is over, and its time for us to enjoy each other; and you did not waste anytime last night, as am sure i felt you swaying inside that liquid cushion of yours. (am ignoring what my books say, to me, i do feel you kick!)

i think the headaches have gone and am so glad, thank you God. Now i need to eat right, fruits, vegetables and all, to ensure u come out as button-nosed as your mama and as smart as your papa. (no more meat!)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

11 weeks 1 day

This is one of my bad morning. I am feeling Nauseous and fatigued and all i want to do is lie down.

These movements i feel, is it gas really? I want to believe that it is not, coz i am not bloated anymore. I do feel much better now after meals and can now look at meat..ish ish. So i think is the sac and the water therein that i feel moving like waves inside of me... feels weird, nicely weird.

This week Baby B, you are about one and a half inches long and about the size of a fig, with all your internal organs almost fully developed.

I need clothes. All my "big" clothes are not fitting anymore, and i cannot stand skirts.

*How far along?: 11 Weeks 1 day

*Total weight gain: From 4 weeks ago-3 kilos

*How big is baby?: Baby is the size of a lime

*Maternity clothes?: ...ish

*Sleep?: Perfect

*Memorable moment? Having my Sister Julie prepare for me everything i need to eat, two days in a row while i kick back and relax.

*Movement?: Something is moving, the books say its gas, but i disagree.

*Food cravings?: Groundnut sauce made by Mom.

*Belly button in or out?: Innie

*What I miss: My energy, good mornings, exercising in the morning, my Bestest Friend.

*What I’m looking forward to: 12 weeks and feeling "as if" normal again.

*Milestone: Cannot think of any now.

*Feelings this week: Emotional, no more headaches, energy coming back.

*Belly Picture this week: Will update tomorrow (see above)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

9 Weeks 4 days

Today is a big day, you little heart has now fully developed! You must be busy in there now...growing n expnading- i know i am.

Grandpa now knows 'bout you n he is excited. Two new grandchildren in one year- now that is something!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nine Weeks 3 Days

The last two weeks have gone kinda fast so my posts had taken a back sit.

Now at 9 weeks 3 days things seem to be changing fast. At this point my darling, you are the size of a green olive and about now your muscles are growing in your head, limbs and body

I should not be showing at this stage, but I am flaunting quite a significant bump that I need to open my zipper while seated at my desk at work. I think/ hope this is bloating or probably the glasses of water i am forced to imbibe in order to have an easy no. 2 (u get?. My afternoons are a drag and all I keep dreaming about is a bed. Oh how I wish I had a friend who stays near my office so I would swing by for a daily nap at least for an hour.

Exercising is a rumor. I had insisted on continuing with my 5am morning aerobics but I was too afraid that the ka thing might fall out; it became useless when i started to jup for 3 mins and rest for 5. I will want to find some alternative form of exercise when things settle down. Like brisk walking and squats, light weights n lunges Probably in May. Baby B you think, you will be up for it?

Cravings? None…ish. I love mangoes always have I guess. So I am having one or two every day. I found a friendly neighbor who owns a ka vegetable kiosk and she agreed to be my daily supplier of mangoes and nakati… oh I love nakati!!

Today, the headaches begun. I am not sure if this is normal. I had a dull residual headache last evening, one this morning and now it’s 2:30pm and I am feeling one again. Do not have a clue why, but will wait (read pray) n see if they will go. I do not want to see my doc earlier than I have too.

Meanwhile my boss (yes I told him) was happier for me than my Mom was, crazy, huh? He sat me down for a 45 min talk about everything Baby. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved. So if I doze off at my desk, he will not think am a lazy employee.

Tomorrow is a big day…

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Feel You

9 weeks today and I surely felt you move! Shocking! My Mom thinks it’s a twitch, and I believed her for a while until today when I felt a flutter, which tickled and actually made me laugh out loud.

Oh how glorious it is to feel you move darling. Or is it gas? Naaa…. Highly doubt it. Super excited!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Whoosh, whoosh!

Yesterday, at 7 weeks 3 days, I saw my baby and heard his/her heartbeat for the first time- it was the most amazing thing. I was smiling and laughing, and crying all at the same time. Though I was expecting to hear it, the feeling that came over me was a little overwhelming and I could not believe that a real little human being is inside me, with a tiny ball of muscle beating profusely inside of it; “Whoosh whoosh, whoosh, whoosh” it went, as if saying “You see Mommy, I am really here.”

My excitement has now grown to enjoyment, as that sound resonates in my head when I think about it and I smile to myself.- Oh Glorious God!

Monday, March 28, 2011

I Want More!

Oh the hunger… I am hungry every 1-2 hours. Take this morning for example. I had cereal at 8am, 3 big bananas and a cup of tea at 10:30am, now its 12:00pm and am hungry. All I am thinking of is the potatoes and spicy spaghetti resting in the fridge...

I am going to try and confuse my system with 2 glasses of lukewarm water and try and hold on for another hour kubanga, I will not survive 9 months eating this way.

Lucky No. 7!

I am going to see you again this week, and this is all I am thinking about. It is scary though that I seem to be showing already, or is it the groundnut sauce, beans and mashed potatoes that I cannot get enough of hehehe...

Told Grandma about you and she is excited, worried and being Grandma…

Your Cousin Kayla (is it) is growing fast, I think she will be very big… you have a lot to catch up on so keep growing fast, coz mama can’t wait to see you; and it will be a long wait.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Love

Today I “saw” you… oh what a sight! You were the sweetest, tinniest collection of cells that I have ever seen. Aside from my almost bursting bladder, it was a very emotional moment and I could have sworn I saw u wink, lol.

This week your heart will beat for the first time… twice at the rate of mine, but with every beat, my quintessential love for you will resonate all through your tiny heart.

Already your first food is being prepared for you, because my nipples feel like they are lying in blocks of ice. Even when the wind blows they hurt, as the triple in size- I sure hope you will have the appetite to match (wink).

Monday, March 14, 2011

God already knows you

"For thu hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvellous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, [and] curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all [my members] were written, [which] in continuance were fashioned, when [as yet there was] none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!"

Hello my angel. I am still too excited for words...