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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Third Trimester "You Know When..."

From one of the favorite reads on the right, this is my third trimester “You Know When…”
• There are food stains on all my clothes that I do not notice till after my meals
• Every time I sneeze while seated at my desk I hit my tummy on the desk a little too hard. (sorry Baby B)
• I break a sweat walking from the car to the office, and from the living room to my bedroom.
• I Exercise in my head more than actual exercise.
• I select my shoes based on which would be the easiest to put on.
• I visit the bedroom where Brycen’s stuff is every evening and refold and rearrange everything everyday
• I do not know what I lived for before expecting. What else is there? Lol
• I do not put any thought to shaving, I just do it and do not care when I have missed a patch.
• I get random hot flashes suddenly and the ice is never cold enough to keep me cool
• My ankles look like… ankles? Well I no longer have any.
• I want to eat wedding cakes every Saturday.
• I use my toes to pick up things off the ground.

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