Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 6, 2011

5 Weeks to go!

5 weeks to go, Really!!!

Well i am so so ready. Everything is packed, and i am ready to pop. Last night i visualised how it would all begin. It would be in the morning at about 4am when the minor contractions will start. I am thinking i would probably wait an hour or two to see if they are consistent before i call Brian and Julie and let them know Brycen is on his way. Though I will be at my Mom's she will be the last person to know, because she will probably get a spike in her blood pressure once she finds out. So i will try n keep it from her as much as i can. At about 7am, when the contractions have intensified and are now painful, we will head to the hospital which is 10 mins away and things will progress from there... right! Hahaha... well this is the plan that i am focusing on in my head and will continue to visualise it until it comes to fruition.

At 34 and a half weeks, well i am hanging in there. I do not feel like i have gained much weight, but i guess i should have considering that Brycen should be about 2.1 kgs at this point. If he grows steadily gaining the recommended .22 grams per week, we should be 3.4 kgs by birth. Ha.... that seems big!

My adorable friends threw me a surprise baby shower on the 25th of September. I was so wonderfully surprised and we had the best time ever. I so love you girlfriends and God bless your kind and thoughtful hearts. I will upload pics when i get them from Irwin.

I am not quite sure which position Brycen is at, at this point coz the kicks and movements are all over the mid-section. Last doctors appointment he was head down and i sure hope he has not moved.

Meanwhile Aunt Angie is planning to make a singer out of you Baby B, mbu you gotta be a superstar. She will train you and nurture your talent (hoping you inherit the singing voice from your mama) and Justin Bieber will have nothing on you.

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