Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

1 Day till Brycen gets here...

Here i am in my room at mom's checking, packing and getting ready for being induced tomorrow. Its weird, but i feel kawa. I kinda expected something to feel different, but other than mild anxiety... i am pretty ok.

I had trouble sleeping last night and could not get my head down till 4am. My tummy is itching a lot and well i guess Brycen is also enjoying his last night inside me. Oh sweetnesss i will miss a lot of things about being pregnant with you:

I will miss your kicks, nudges, and elbow jabs...
I will miss hearing the sound of your heart beat through the mini heart monitoring thingie...
I will miss the feeling of having you inside of me, safe, warm curled up and protected from this harsh world ( that a tear?)
I will miss pressing my tummy, looking for a response from you, and how you would reassuringly nudge me back saying 'am ok mom'- oh my baby...

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