Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

12 weeks....yey!

Finally we are here... and i am glad i am feeling much much better. I have energy and am planning to resume my squats and lunges. Time to get fit baby.. coz you gonna have to pop out, one way or the other. So i need to prepare your "exit door" (hihi).

Today, my love, you are a big boy/girl, about the size of a plum and are now going to start to just get bigger. (Obviously, so am i)

Now, the worst is over, and its time for us to enjoy each other; and you did not waste anytime last night, as am sure i felt you swaying inside that liquid cushion of yours. (am ignoring what my books say, to me, i do feel you kick!)

i think the headaches have gone and am so glad, thank you God. Now i need to eat right, fruits, vegetables and all, to ensure u come out as button-nosed as your mama and as smart as your papa. (no more meat!)

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