Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

13 weeks to go!

Your chances of survival, if born now, are 70%! Your lungs are developing and you should be able to take your first breath by the end of this week (now that is cause for celebration!)Now someone can hear your heartbeat from the outside, I so gotta try this out.

How far along?: 26 Weeks, 3 days

*Total weight gain: +9 kgs

*How big is baby?: You are about 760 grams (what?) and is 14 inches long head-to-heel.

*Maternity clothes?: Yes

*Sleep?: Ugh, becoming difficult. I have 4 pillows all around me, and I need more!
*Best moment this week? Feeling him shift positions and seeing my tummy stretch.

*Movement?: As if an alien… a lot, and I so enjoy it. To me its like our moss code.

*Food cravings?: Beans again… and extra spicy chips and Beef from Chicken Tonight.

*Labor signs?: Nope.

*Belly button in or out?: Will it ever come out?… its just flat.

*What I miss: uninterrupted sleep, Whisky, coffee, exercising.

*What I’m looking forward to: The nesting period and finally getting flexible enough to do perineal massage myself. The thought of someone else doing it for me is scary.

*Milestone: Into the third and final Trimester we come.

*Feelings this week: I feel so big (and look it) and I miss my energy. Where can I get some? Plus am so bored every day, I need something new and exciting to do all the time.

*Belly Picture this week: look up.


  1. love the pic ..... you're not that my mum claimed atleast not a "tent" yet .... lol

  2. heheh mum brycen cn u tek a full pic i want to c u n av missed u i pray i will b able to visit b4 u pop n yea i think now u stopped growing big
