Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

8 Weeks to go

I am looking at baby poop!. Do not be alarmed, Brycen is not here yet, but because of boredom, I was reading an article of what to expect the first few weeks at home and there were pictures of different types of poop; ah… the things mothers do!

It is week 32, and I think fatigue is setting in. Last night I slept for 12 straight hours and right now I am still tired. The only thing that keeps me active is the fact that I have to go to work for at least 5 hours (lucky me) each day. I so need to work on my walking exercises. Weird however, is the fact that I seem to be losing weight. I am not too sure about this, but though I look heavier, I feel it, my chest and legs are seemingly smaller. Or is it the comparison to the gynormous belly that makes them appear thus, I do not know…

Last week there were a few positive developments, most important of which was that I fired my OBGYN! Ha! And I am so happy about it.

It’s a long story, but to summarize it, she is a scalpel happy Dr., does not show much TLC for me and my little one, she rushes through every check-up and worst of all, she gave me dangerous drugs. Scary, right? Am sure you are thinking why did I not see all this all this while; well it was until she told me Brycen was head-down when I was sure I was feeling the kicks in my pelvic area that I went for a second US elsewhere, where they re-tested, re-asked, and re-analyzed my pregnancy for a good 5 hours after which I realized my OB was not the right one for me. The personal care, interest and professionalism they showed really impressed me. The same I found at the reception, waiting area, triage, lab, ultrasound …all places I went to, even in the security officers- all were very very caring and professional. Hence, I signed up with IHK, opened a file and are beginning my antenatal classes there on Saturday (am already 3 classes late)

Brycen has not turned yet and I am about to do some crazy stunts to ensure this. I know he will turn when ready, blah blah blah… but just for the fun of it, I have read that there are a few ‘techniques’ that can help. I will update you on the success of failure rate of each as I go along.

*Total weight gain: -3 kgs (from my last measurement)

*How big is baby?: Exactly 1.8 kgs! Yay!

*Sleep?: Like a mofo! Turning in bed is as if a truck, lol.
*Best moment this week? Seeing him kick in the US, firing my OB, spending 3 days with my sisters laughing, talking, eating and doing all girly and sisterly stuff!

*What I’m looking forward to: Pushing! Believe it or not!


  1. Sweetheart i am so happy you're finally in good hands ... there is nothing as bad an OB who doesnt know what they're doing and trying to make up for it with the scalpel.....

    PS: you're rocking that "african print" dress :-)

  2. Thanks my dear. Am so proud of me. Obviously this pregnancy has brought out a boldness in me that i did not know even existed. Goodie!
