Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11 days to go!

Just had my last (hopefully) Dr.’s appointment and was this the longest wait ever or what! I waited 4 hours to see the doc!. It was all worth it in the end because all I heard were good news and good reports. So I am not complaining.

Sorry Lils, Brycen will not be an October baby, but will be your God-child nonetheless (smile). This past week, I have felt thing things, and one night was almost sure Brycen would come. The Braxton Hicks are now a daily thing and have even learnt to identify them the moment they begin. Lucy, I do feel mine, I guess I have over read stuff on what they should feel like so I am so aware. Doc confirmed the same this afternoon too.

Back pain, as if period pain has also began, merging with numbness in left leg and increased discharge. Ho ho… this is what I am calling ‘thing things’.

Brycen is engaged, head down position and ready to emerge. After seeing the Doc, now I am also 100% ready. I am 1cm dilated (hehehe) and I know this is a good sign for things to come.

My belly button is finally an outie, have been waiting for this forever, and I think its cute the way it shows through my dresses (wink)

Hopefully my next update will be a detailed recap of Brycen’s delivery… so you had better check back real real soon…

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