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Monday, October 10, 2011

Labor, let’s bring on the pain!

I do not know my pain threshold, neither do I like being in pain. I yelp when I hit my knee on the corner of a table and cringe at the sight of an injection. I am a first time mom and believe it or not, I am so ready for labor and delivery.

I have overdosed on literature and videos of the whole labor process and and I can actually visualize my lil’ man easing (ok, maneuvering) through my exit. But that is just it, somehow, I do not “see” the pain, the screams and all the drama that I am sure I will cause, all I am seeing in lil’ Brycen, knowing that it is time to meet his mama, using all the little energy he has to push through the muscles and obstacles of my birth canal. I see him, with eagerness, wondering where this road is leading to, and I, with triple eagerness, screaming my lungs out, telling my mind to relax and probably with the least decency imaginable, opening my precious insides for all to see as my angel make his maiden appearance into this glorious world.

I see him, with his round button nose, with a squint in his deep dark eyes, as he comes out into the light. He takes his first breath (the elated feeling of which reduces him to tears),and me, buried in indescribable pain (a feeling which instantly disappears when I his cries); join him in the momentous occasion as I see him for the first time and all glory glory glory be to God!

So pain? What pain, bring it on!

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