Brycen's Growth Timer

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Monday, September 5, 2011

10 Weeks to go

Ok the diet didn’t go as planned, because now not I cannot stand food, any food. The smell of it irks me yet I am hungry all the time…HELP! Last night I had beans and bread for dinner.

Heart burn, sleepless nights, fatigue have now taken over. Its hurts so much to be really tired but cannot find a suitable position to lie in, nor find sleep to take away my misery. Oh Brycen- you are already taking over my life even before you get here… I can only sleep after 11pm and wake up at least 5 times in the night to pee. My guess is that the baby is sitting on my bladder at this point hence the toilet runs. He kicks right in the middle of my tummy and I cannot figure out which position he is laying. I hope my doc will tell me this afternoon when I see her. I also have been reading a lot on natural child birth and are so hoping to push this baby. No surgery, no nedda

Today my little one is 30 weeks, about 37 cm long now, and he weighs almost 1.25 kg- with the yoghurt I have been eating, I am hoping a lil’ more than this.
I have been psyching myself up to push this baby, but last night I found out that my preferred OB is scalpel happy. Suffice it to say am so disappointed. I want to be super woman and push in spite of the infamous pain I have heard so well about. What do I do?

I conquered nipple pain, heart burn and stretch marks- yay! This is my milestone this week.

But there is more … i cannot understand the numbness that I occasionally feel in my fingers! Its unnerving, to say the least. 10 weeks to go and time is creeping so so slow. These last 2 weeks have felt like a month. I am so ready to have Brycen right now! I should, but I do not see myself getting any bigger.

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