Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, August 29, 2011

11 Weeks To Go

So I hate boiled eggs and yet I have just had 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast, why? Because yesterday I found one of the best books (I believe) regarding child birth. I have searched for information and read quite a lot of articles online about child birth, natural child birth; but nothing breaks it down like the Bradley Method of Natural Child Birth book. I read till page 44 last night and if not for the level of fatigue I felt, I could have gone on all night. Wel, the book recommended a high protein diet which after reading I realized my diet was mostly carbs, yuck- right? So I am chaning it today. Other than the usual legumes I normally consume, I am going to add meat, skimmed milk, chicken, cheese (all which I hate right now); and cut out bread, cereal, matooke and white rice… haha, will I manage?

I will surely have a pile of questions for my antenatal class instructor come October 1st- thinking of, the classes I have signed up for are for 4 weeks- is this normal? I thought 12 weeks was the basic length! But well, its Uganda, and I will accept the best I can get.

So, I have 11 weeks and 3 days left, and boy am I getting tired! I cannot imagine myself getting any bigger and rounder than I already am. I keep bumping my tummy while opening doors, coz I have not yet factored in roundness of this bump- yes it is BIG!

Good news- I am done with all my shopping… now its time to pack and make a checklist for everything I should have. I do not want to be caught unprepared coz that will throw me of balance and ruin my mental environment that I am planning to build while in labour- yes, I am going to psyche myself up into some sorta zen state for pushing- call me crazy, but I need something to handle the contractions, oh sorry, the “sensations”- haha

Brycen is kicking quite a punch these days

Time to practice my kegels- 300 flexes a day.. haha….let’s see how it goes.

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