Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

11 weeks 1 day

This is one of my bad morning. I am feeling Nauseous and fatigued and all i want to do is lie down.

These movements i feel, is it gas really? I want to believe that it is not, coz i am not bloated anymore. I do feel much better now after meals and can now look at meat..ish ish. So i think is the sac and the water therein that i feel moving like waves inside of me... feels weird, nicely weird.

This week Baby B, you are about one and a half inches long and about the size of a fig, with all your internal organs almost fully developed.

I need clothes. All my "big" clothes are not fitting anymore, and i cannot stand skirts.

*How far along?: 11 Weeks 1 day

*Total weight gain: From 4 weeks ago-3 kilos

*How big is baby?: Baby is the size of a lime

*Maternity clothes?: ...ish

*Sleep?: Perfect

*Memorable moment? Having my Sister Julie prepare for me everything i need to eat, two days in a row while i kick back and relax.

*Movement?: Something is moving, the books say its gas, but i disagree.

*Food cravings?: Groundnut sauce made by Mom.

*Belly button in or out?: Innie

*What I miss: My energy, good mornings, exercising in the morning, my Bestest Friend.

*What I’m looking forward to: 12 weeks and feeling "as if" normal again.

*Milestone: Cannot think of any now.

*Feelings this week: Emotional, no more headaches, energy coming back.

*Belly Picture this week: Will update tomorrow (see above)


  1. Hang in there babe,
    you're almost making week 12!! and hopefully goodbye nausea :)

  2. I just cannot wait for it. Oddly though, now i hate certain things: Bread, milk, meat, chicken, and sweet foods.
