Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

3 days Overdue!!

Hehehehe…. I have aced my patience class. Now I consider myself a very patient person. Brycen is still chilling in my womb, and all I can do I wait. They say necessity is the mother of invention, but not anymore, for I have run out of ways to naturally induce labor. There is one method I have been told works 100%, but...hmmm… it’s a complicated one, but to avoid being induced on Sunday, I just might do it.

Lils, I have not forgotten you, and this chap has his own plans obviously. So let’s all just wait. People are calling me and wondering what’s up. My Dad sends me a message everyday reassuring me that the baby will soon be here when he is ready- how sweet!

Am still losing weight, strangely enough, I think it’s the water weight though, and was told Brycen is about 3.5kgs. ha!


  1. hey mommy we are all waiting and all will be well just got to be patient as long as you and the baby is well then al is well last nite i was like haaiyah did brycen arrive already ??? but checked first thing wheni gt to the office MR. Brycen we are all eager and can wait to have you see you soon and i pray that the next time i come to visit the page you will be here on monday ..... chaooo much love mommy be nice whatever you do or thinkin you need to do ensure its safe fr you and Mr. !!!! lots and lots of Love!!

  2. Oh thank you aunt Lils... much appreciated.
