Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

16 Weeks Baby!

Oh glorious…. I could not wait to get here and we are here baby…and you have wasted no time in showing your excitement too… what with all the fluttters and nudging these days.

You are about the size of an Avocado and I now need to watch what i say because tiny bones forming in your ears thus you can now pick up my voice….i am so gonna sing for you…woooohoooo…. Your eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are also forming.

Today I am scheduled for a 3D ultra sound and I could easily check the gender…but I am not sure… I do not want false information.. so I might wait till next month… unless you are a boy which will make it easier to see…ohhhhh… unbelievable!
But oh have I gotten big…eish. My love for beans is growing each day, but interestingly though I am discovering new local dish delicacies I had ignored, like Malewa (Bamboo shoots), Byenda (cow intestines) and Ntula (whats the English name for those things? Hehehe).

Gotta run, my appointment is in 30 mins… laterz