Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, November 7, 2011

6 days to go

Okay seriously Brycen, now you gotta really listen to mama… you need to come out today! Need to! From all the practice contractions I have been getting, I know you are ready to stretch you tiny limbs and come meet mama; and now so am i. Emotionally, physically and as of today, I even feel extra energy all reserved for your grand appearance.

Officially you still have 6 days left, but technically, it is ok for you to come out. Mama cannot wait to see you and I am clearly running out of ways to keep my anxiety and anticipation down. Everyone is waiting, everyone keeps calling me, and even your Cousin Kevin just called all the way from boarding school to find out if you are here yet.

I am not gaining any more weight; I have actually lost a kg the last time I checked, so I imagine neither are you. The aches and discomforts are becoming too much to bear and are somewhat encroaching on my enjoyment of these last days, your kicks and flips. I am so idle and I need ideas on how to pass the time. Last evening I could not believe how excited I was when I got the opportunity to get out of the house and go to town. Considering I am not allowed to drive, I have to rely on someone finding me something to do. I was close to tears when Andrew my brother said that we would not go because it was late. I felt like a child being promised a day at the beach and then all of a sudden it begins to rain.

New cousin Kwame will be here on Wednesday; I imagine it would be double happiness if the both of you came the same day, so how about we make the Bugembe family really have something to celebrate and a day to go crazy about, huh? How does Wednesday 9th seem as a birthday for you?

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