Brycen's Growth Timer

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nine Weeks 3 Days

The last two weeks have gone kinda fast so my posts had taken a back sit.

Now at 9 weeks 3 days things seem to be changing fast. At this point my darling, you are the size of a green olive and about now your muscles are growing in your head, limbs and body

I should not be showing at this stage, but I am flaunting quite a significant bump that I need to open my zipper while seated at my desk at work. I think/ hope this is bloating or probably the glasses of water i am forced to imbibe in order to have an easy no. 2 (u get?. My afternoons are a drag and all I keep dreaming about is a bed. Oh how I wish I had a friend who stays near my office so I would swing by for a daily nap at least for an hour.

Exercising is a rumor. I had insisted on continuing with my 5am morning aerobics but I was too afraid that the ka thing might fall out; it became useless when i started to jup for 3 mins and rest for 5. I will want to find some alternative form of exercise when things settle down. Like brisk walking and squats, light weights n lunges Probably in May. Baby B you think, you will be up for it?

Cravings? None…ish. I love mangoes always have I guess. So I am having one or two every day. I found a friendly neighbor who owns a ka vegetable kiosk and she agreed to be my daily supplier of mangoes and nakati… oh I love nakati!!

Today, the headaches begun. I am not sure if this is normal. I had a dull residual headache last evening, one this morning and now it’s 2:30pm and I am feeling one again. Do not have a clue why, but will wait (read pray) n see if they will go. I do not want to see my doc earlier than I have too.

Meanwhile my boss (yes I told him) was happier for me than my Mom was, crazy, huh? He sat me down for a 45 min talk about everything Baby. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved. So if I doze off at my desk, he will not think am a lazy employee.

Tomorrow is a big day…

1 comment:

  1. Mangoes... you too????

    I LOVE mangoes and they are healthy too .... atleast baby B is feeding on healthy foods
