Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

13 weeks 1 day

What did happen this week is that I started showing all of a sudden! It's like my belly just popped out. I feel like I am in my 14th month! So I need to change my wardrobe ASAP.

This week, my love, you are about the size of a lemon:

You can make a fist and even suck your thumb this week. Your eyelids are fused shut and your bones and skull are solidifying and soon itsy-bitsy ribs may appear. Your vocal cords and larynx are completed now and you are now about 20 grams and are nearly 3 inches long.

Not much to do this week, other than another Dr.’s appointment on Wednesday. I am feeling much much better though; and I resumed some light exercises so my energy (and libido) is back. No kidding!

Was watching a natural delivery documentary on Sunday with big sis Ann, and ho…ho…seems like I need to psyche myself up starting now. Pushing is no joke…but lets first see how Ann does it, if she can, I can.

Am still struggling with food; I cannot decide what I want. Lately am eating vegetables only. Last night I had Egg plants and silver fish for supper and boy was it tasty. This morning, I could not stand milk nor cereal so I had katogo for breakfast. Aha…am enjoying it though. It’s like a food adventure as if. One standard thing though is that I cannot stand meat. Yuck!

1 comment:

  1. I watched a documentary on sunday too, on BBC 1 "one born every minute " chic was having her baby in the bath tub...
    Tommy took one look and run out of the room .... saying "OMG what have we let ourselves into!!!"
