Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

23 Weeks

Here is a full photo for you Lucy. I took it last night in the dark, so its not so clear, but its ok i guess.

Meanwhile i think we finally have a name for you Baby B. How do u like to be called Brycen? Cool huh... Just got it today from Aunt Lils and i am so so loving it.

Am sure your Grandparents are tired of grandchildren's names they cannot pronounce, what with Emilian, Kayron and now Brycen, hehehehe.


  1. Cute!
    was waiting for this all my life .... :-)

    do you remember how we'd make fun of pregnant babes "bouncing"? now i've missed seeing your walk ... is your walk still normal?

  2. Antie lils Love you baby n mummy looking cuuuute on the pic oooh miss you !!! ok BRYCEN... antie here from nairobi loves you n am so so happy for mummy n Daddy okie
