Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Where are my ankles?

This is it, surely. At this point, there is nothing i can do to bring the swelling in my feet down. My fingers are also constantly numb and puffed up.

In my mind, Brycen is coming in 17 days, hehehe... so i am kinda ok with looking the way i look right now. Lucy said i was beautifully fat, when i was whining about how ugly i looked and felt. I guess i should look in the mirror less often and use my mental mirror to imagine what i look like.

I have to see my OB on Monday to determine how Brycen is coming out, i know he is coming out naturally, i do not want it any other way; but i guess the doctor needs to be sure for himself. Will update you on how it goes...

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