Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I wish someone had told me...

I found this on one of my favorite baby sites and i thought it would help my readers when they are expecting mothers, and myself. (irene, lils, take special note, lol). It is a really good read, i promise...

…that never say never.
…that your mind is stronger than the contractions. Even when it feels like they are going to take over you your mind always overrules.
…how much it burns when the baby’s head is just starting to come out and in the process of coming out.
…that "sleep when baby sleeps" is soooo much easier said than done.
…that Breastfeeding in the beginning can be hard.
…that your baby won't always latch right away.
…how EMPOWERING birth can truly be!
…Water water water! WATER. Water before, during, and after labor.
…that cramps afterwards can hurt worse than labor.
…about the hemorrhoids after a vaginal birth
…that it is ok that your milk doesn’t come in right away.
…that babies are ok with just colostrum for the first week
...that to me it really did feel like the biggest bowel movement as my baby was making her way down past my pelvic down and into crowning.
…that you may very well sweat uncontrollably for weeks after the birth, and pee like a race horse as your body flushes all that water out.
…that lochia (post-partum bleeding) smells just like the lovely smells of your new baby and NOTHING like a menstrual period.
…that breast milk is AWESOME for cradle cap.
…that the breast feeding cramps during the first few days post-partum would be fairly intense, like early labor.
…that just 10 minutes of direct sun light on cracked/scabbed nipples will heal them overnight.
…that during contractions relax your jaw! It sounds silly, but you'll feel yourself tensing up & your jaw is a reflection of your pelvis. So relax it & your body can get more out of the contraction.
…to recognize that YES the contractions are painful, but as you feel them, recognize them for what they are, don't tell yourself they aren't bad, talk through each contractions, these are painful, but I am getting closer to seeing my baby, this will end.
…that your breasts can leak a lot at night. Make sure you have a water protector on your bed, and sleep with a towel so you don't have to change the sheets every morning.
…that its not so much about being the kind of parent (or birthing mother) as it is about it's the type of child God makes for you that makes you the parent (or birthing mother) you become. Rest and let things be the way they are.
…how hungry I would be after.
…to write down what you want to remember.
…not turn down help. If anyone offers, be shameless.
…to be ready for panic attacks/crying fits/losing all logic.
…that you might not get the natural urge to push, like you read/learn about. You might have to do it willingly and consciously.
…that if you look at your vaginal area in the first week postpartum, don't freak out! Everything will shrink down and tighten up in time.
…that modesty really does go out the window (for me anyhow), a lot of people are going to see you naked.
…that having a birthing partner can be very helpful if you're birthing in a hospital, even if it means that your partner is the one wiping your bum when the nurses don't come help you while you yell that you're pooping.
...that the pain can be so strong during transition that you may throw up... a lot... while pooping and shooting pee out at the same time
...that it’s okay to make noise
…that when the contractions are so bad that you feel terrified of the next one coming or feel like crying, try as hard as you can to clear your head and not think about the next contraction.
…that if you lose a lot of blood, rebuild your iron asap and rest as much as you can in the coming weeks. It can take a very long time for the dizzy spells and things to go away.
…that you can ask the nurses to take pictures if you don't have someone to do it for you. Don't forget to take that first "family picture" while still at the hospital.
…to change your breast pads OFTEN! Air your breasts out as much as you can! I spend the first weeks after birth topless pretty much.
…that pushing the baby out takes time
…that warm baths are amazing during labor
…that Cabbage leaves, fresh from the fridge are the best things in the world for sore, full-to-the-brim breasts. Sooo soothing, and cheap!
…that it can be normal for the labia to be really swollen after birth!!!
…that Breast milk is great to clear skin up if u break out after having baby. Yes put the breastmilk on ur face like mask it's great!
…that you will still look like you're 5 months pregnant the week after you deliver. ...thatIt takes a while for the belly to firm up again. Be patient.
…to have someone take a few photos along the way during labor
…that it was okay to nap in between my contraction
…that being stitched up is way worse than any part of labor.
...that it might not hurt when your milk comes in.
…to take the pushing part more slowly
…how exhausting pushing is.
…that tensing my muscles would make the pain more intense.
…that fear made the pain more intense.
…that if you really want to push in a squatting position but are too tired, try a supported squat with your labor support
…that after birth, just pee in the shower for a few days. Get in, turn it on, pee, and then use the shower and/or peri bottle to clean everything.
…that when getting induced and going natural that "getting rest" does not mean neglecing to manage the contractions.
…that until your milk comes in, your baby will want to stay attached to your boob constantly.
…that babies smell so good, and that I could fall in love so utterly and completely and instantly.
…that as you near pushing and your body starts "pre-pushes" you feel like your bowels are going to be pushed out.
…that If the baby is down for a nap and you want to catch a shower, take the baby monitor in the bathroom with you.
…that If you start to shake uncontrollably near transition, it is totally ok and normal. Just lay down and let your body take over.
…that you will miss being pregnant.
…that it's strange that the focus is off of you and onto the baby. People are so nice and helpful when you're pregnant, but once that baby arrives, you're old news. It hurts.
…that upper thigh pain during transition. It was killer! I had no idea that body part might hurt. It was scary!
…that don't feel bad telling people "right now is not a good time to come over."
…that sleep when the baby sleeps, seriously.
…to take sitz bath as often as you can. I didn't tear at all, but it helped with the soreness.
…not to be afraid of pushing on my back. In the end it was the only position I had energy for.
…to rest for more than one contraction while pushing.
…not to forget to prepare for pushing! I had mentally prepared myself for the pain during contractions, but not for pushing.
…that delivering the placenta starts to feel like delivering the baby all over again,

1 comment:

  1. noted and i will need this on my trimester for real!!!!
    EEEish ok you are doing good mama n i dont think i will want to look at myself whn paged in the mrrow coz where i come from we get FAT!! WITH NO APOLOGY
