Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9 weeks to go- I need to vent!

I am tired, grouchy and sleepy. and i am tired of being tired, grouchy and sleepy. i can only sleep after 1am and can never find a comfortable position for more than 30 mins. hence i am exhausted all the time. i hate food. i do not want to think about food, because it is all the same everyday. I am told i need to exercise so i walk, squat, tailor sit and practice my kegels, but my doc is silent on whether she is cutting me or i am pushing, hence i am probably getting more tired for nothing. I am fat, my nose is shiny all the time (lol)

every time i walk into office people keep telling me why i bother coming, but i cannot sit home for the next 7-9 weeks looking at the ceiling. coz am tired of the house. i want to move to an island and live with half-dressed people who sing, fish and dance to African rhythms all day long. i am ready to choke the next person who tells me to stay home.

Every time i look at the calender its like its going backwards, its been September for 3 months! Now i think Nabiteko gave me a cold, my throat itches and i have a dry cough. am not allowed to take any medication to ease the cold hence i have to woman up and let it heal on its own. When i do not feel the baby kick for more than 2 hours my blood pressure rises. i poke and massage and take chocolate and imbibe gallons of ice cold water to make him move. Then after he does, i spend the next 3 hours going to the toilet every 5 mins!

OH... now i feel much better. I just needed to vent.

[update, 4 hours later]...

....I am a bitch...
I do not want to be touched, smiled at, looked at or be around many people. Everyone seems to have an agenda when I look at them.

The other day I went banging at the neighbour’s gate wanting to tell them to stop throwing their rubbish over the wall. Honestly, I think that is pretty rude to say the least, and after watching them for 2 days and seeing the rubbish pile up, I went ape crazy on the poor gateman who let me in. I promised to call the LC and cops on them next time; but I think at this rate, I could take them on my own.

I do not want to do anything and I get irritated when I am doing nothing. I cannot walk 5 mins without feeling a nudging pain in my pelcvis… ah these pregnancy hormones, you gotta love them.


  1. FLorrie Buggie !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am loving your pregnancy hormones even the more ... you needed to open
    From the day i met you back in 1991 ... you have always been one to "sit and swallow" meaning you rarely vent ... let every one annoy you till you can stomach it no more ... i hope the "banging on people's gates" characteristic sticks even after you give birth to Brycen :-)

  2. Hehehehe... i hope it will stick too coz with a baby to protect, my motherly instincts might pop up every now and then....

    No more door mat, hahaha!
