Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Friday, November 25, 2011


Hello Happy People. Here is my lil' Prince. I will update with the birth story as soon as i get time.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

1 Day till Brycen gets here...

Here i am in my room at mom's checking, packing and getting ready for being induced tomorrow. Its weird, but i feel kawa. I kinda expected something to feel different, but other than mild anxiety... i am pretty ok.

I had trouble sleeping last night and could not get my head down till 4am. My tummy is itching a lot and well i guess Brycen is also enjoying his last night inside me. Oh sweetnesss i will miss a lot of things about being pregnant with you:

I will miss your kicks, nudges, and elbow jabs...
I will miss hearing the sound of your heart beat through the mini heart monitoring thingie...
I will miss the feeling of having you inside of me, safe, warm curled up and protected from this harsh world ( that a tear?)
I will miss pressing my tummy, looking for a response from you, and how you would reassuringly nudge me back saying 'am ok mom'- oh my baby...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

3 days Overdue!!

Hehehehe…. I have aced my patience class. Now I consider myself a very patient person. Brycen is still chilling in my womb, and all I can do I wait. They say necessity is the mother of invention, but not anymore, for I have run out of ways to naturally induce labor. There is one method I have been told works 100%, but...hmmm… it’s a complicated one, but to avoid being induced on Sunday, I just might do it.

Lils, I have not forgotten you, and this chap has his own plans obviously. So let’s all just wait. People are calling me and wondering what’s up. My Dad sends me a message everyday reassuring me that the baby will soon be here when he is ready- how sweet!

Am still losing weight, strangely enough, I think it’s the water weight though, and was told Brycen is about 3.5kgs. ha!

Monday, November 7, 2011

6 days to go

Okay seriously Brycen, now you gotta really listen to mama… you need to come out today! Need to! From all the practice contractions I have been getting, I know you are ready to stretch you tiny limbs and come meet mama; and now so am i. Emotionally, physically and as of today, I even feel extra energy all reserved for your grand appearance.

Officially you still have 6 days left, but technically, it is ok for you to come out. Mama cannot wait to see you and I am clearly running out of ways to keep my anxiety and anticipation down. Everyone is waiting, everyone keeps calling me, and even your Cousin Kevin just called all the way from boarding school to find out if you are here yet.

I am not gaining any more weight; I have actually lost a kg the last time I checked, so I imagine neither are you. The aches and discomforts are becoming too much to bear and are somewhat encroaching on my enjoyment of these last days, your kicks and flips. I am so idle and I need ideas on how to pass the time. Last evening I could not believe how excited I was when I got the opportunity to get out of the house and go to town. Considering I am not allowed to drive, I have to rely on someone finding me something to do. I was close to tears when Andrew my brother said that we would not go because it was late. I felt like a child being promised a day at the beach and then all of a sudden it begins to rain.

New cousin Kwame will be here on Wednesday; I imagine it would be double happiness if the both of you came the same day, so how about we make the Bugembe family really have something to celebrate and a day to go crazy about, huh? How does Wednesday 9th seem as a birthday for you?

Friday, November 4, 2011

8 days to go

I can actually see time moving... ever so slowly. Everyone is asking me when when when and i think i am almost running out of ways to be polite in response.

Wamma Brycen, i am ready when you are. Am trying not to listen to the common belief that FTM do not reach full term.

I had a false alarm on wednesday night when the Braxton Hicks intensified and my sis figured it is better to be safe than sorry. So she drove me to hospital at 1am. (see pic in pink dress, the pains were in my upper legs and all over the back, but kept trying to smile)We were sent back 15 mins later coz i was no were near dilated. It's been 2 days now and apart from the ocassional constractions, and aches here and there. everything is calm.

Walking, well...i think this is overrated. I have known people who have walked their heels sore and baby still does not come. I imagine it can help speed up the labor process, but highly doubt it does induce labor. I do, walk once in a while if only to satisfy my conscience and obey my mom, lol.

Above (in black) is, hopefully the last pic i am posting before Brycen gets here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11 days to go!

Just had my last (hopefully) Dr.’s appointment and was this the longest wait ever or what! I waited 4 hours to see the doc!. It was all worth it in the end because all I heard were good news and good reports. So I am not complaining.

Sorry Lils, Brycen will not be an October baby, but will be your God-child nonetheless (smile). This past week, I have felt thing things, and one night was almost sure Brycen would come. The Braxton Hicks are now a daily thing and have even learnt to identify them the moment they begin. Lucy, I do feel mine, I guess I have over read stuff on what they should feel like so I am so aware. Doc confirmed the same this afternoon too.

Back pain, as if period pain has also began, merging with numbness in left leg and increased discharge. Ho ho… this is what I am calling ‘thing things’.

Brycen is engaged, head down position and ready to emerge. After seeing the Doc, now I am also 100% ready. I am 1cm dilated (hehehe) and I know this is a good sign for things to come.

My belly button is finally an outie, have been waiting for this forever, and I think its cute the way it shows through my dresses (wink)

Hopefully my next update will be a detailed recap of Brycen’s delivery… so you had better check back real real soon…