Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

13 weeks 1 day

What did happen this week is that I started showing all of a sudden! It's like my belly just popped out. I feel like I am in my 14th month! So I need to change my wardrobe ASAP.

This week, my love, you are about the size of a lemon:

You can make a fist and even suck your thumb this week. Your eyelids are fused shut and your bones and skull are solidifying and soon itsy-bitsy ribs may appear. Your vocal cords and larynx are completed now and you are now about 20 grams and are nearly 3 inches long.

Not much to do this week, other than another Dr.’s appointment on Wednesday. I am feeling much much better though; and I resumed some light exercises so my energy (and libido) is back. No kidding!

Was watching a natural delivery documentary on Sunday with big sis Ann, and ho…ho…seems like I need to psyche myself up starting now. Pushing is no joke…but lets first see how Ann does it, if she can, I can.

Am still struggling with food; I cannot decide what I want. Lately am eating vegetables only. Last night I had Egg plants and silver fish for supper and boy was it tasty. This morning, I could not stand milk nor cereal so I had katogo for breakfast. Aha…am enjoying it though. It’s like a food adventure as if. One standard thing though is that I cannot stand meat. Yuck!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For Aunt Lils

Aunt Lils has asked to see how you look today... Eish! even me i am shocked. Baby B you had better slow down, coz i can only get so big, lol.

Should start ordering for African Mango weight loss for after you are born.. hehehehe.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It is Official

When the say that now the uterus grows 1cm each week, they are not kidding. I think i can see my tummy growing, literally. This is scary.

In a few weeks,I will miss sleeping on my tummy. Its kinda beginning to be a hustle...what with the new Pam Anderson boobs and all. I feel like am lying on two water balloons while i sleep...not cool.

Baby B, today you are probably having your first little poop-n-pee, lol; which means more liquid to send me to the already increasing rides to the porcelain if i am not looking suspicious enough...

I think now 80% of the people at the office know (with the exception of the clueless men). So at 3 months, it is now official and public news that i am having a baby. So its time to share the news with my close friends...lets see how many volunteer God-mamas and Papas you will have :-)

PS: Aunt Lils is God-mama from Kenya...yey!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

12 weeks....yey!

Finally we are here... and i am glad i am feeling much much better. I have energy and am planning to resume my squats and lunges. Time to get fit baby.. coz you gonna have to pop out, one way or the other. So i need to prepare your "exit door" (hihi).

Today, my love, you are a big boy/girl, about the size of a plum and are now going to start to just get bigger. (Obviously, so am i)

Now, the worst is over, and its time for us to enjoy each other; and you did not waste anytime last night, as am sure i felt you swaying inside that liquid cushion of yours. (am ignoring what my books say, to me, i do feel you kick!)

i think the headaches have gone and am so glad, thank you God. Now i need to eat right, fruits, vegetables and all, to ensure u come out as button-nosed as your mama and as smart as your papa. (no more meat!)