Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

16 Weeks to Birth

Its now downhill from here- as in counting down to birth, Instead of counting up from conception .

Brycen is growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long about the size of an ear of corn and he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. He can also make fists now and I definitely feel the effects of that all day.

This week has been pretty smooth, my spirits are very high and I am happy. Finally, I saw Aunt Angie yesterday and we are so waiting for her to give you another playmate. (hint). My appetite has gone to the dogs. All I want are fruits and none of food. I have resorted to having yoghurt and milk when I can, just for you baby.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

23 Weeks

Here is a full photo for you Lucy. I took it last night in the dark, so its not so clear, but its ok i guess.

Meanwhile i think we finally have a name for you Baby B. How do u like to be called Brycen? Cool huh... Just got it today from Aunt Lils and i am so so loving it.

Am sure your Grandparents are tired of grandchildren's names they cannot pronounce, what with Emilian, Kayron and now Brycen, hehehehe.

Friday, July 15, 2011

22 Weeks, 4 days.

So now I think it is safe to say that we are just past half way and baby is now really active. At 19cm long and weighing in at about 350g (350? Then why have I gained 7kgs?) He is packing quite a punch! He kicks in the morning, then at about lunch time, then in the late afternoon, then in the evening and he lulls me to sleep with his kicks at 9pm.

You are now the size of a small pawpaw…hearing everything I say. I hope you find my voice soothing, especially when I am singing in traffic, lol.

Now am so noticeably pregnant, everyone I know gives me that knowing smile, or accepting nod; some even stand up and ululate- like your great Uncle Sekitto. He stood up, danced, while clapping and singing endearing poems for me. “Finally!” most of my relatives said, “you have done a good thing.”- They think!

As if my ever-expanding belly wasn't enough — now my feet are getting in on the act! My shoes do not fit no more (sob sob).

I asked by OB about my birth plan and she says is too soon to discuss it. I am anxious to know how you are coming out. All the squatting, and drinking of clay, yes clay- (your Dad thinks it’s something else) will not go unrewarded, I gotta push!

The nipple pain! God grief! No one told me about this and how painful it is, banange! My nipples usually get hard and so ridiculously painful I am sure a tear or two roll down my cheeks. Its like a nail has been driven through them.

My belly button is now flat- level with the tummy… soon it will be an outie and I will look a child with a protruding navel… ah life!

This morning i am too lazy to stand up and take a pic, so here is one while am sited at my desk.