Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

11 weeks 1 day

This is one of my bad morning. I am feeling Nauseous and fatigued and all i want to do is lie down.

These movements i feel, is it gas really? I want to believe that it is not, coz i am not bloated anymore. I do feel much better now after meals and can now look at meat..ish ish. So i think is the sac and the water therein that i feel moving like waves inside of me... feels weird, nicely weird.

This week Baby B, you are about one and a half inches long and about the size of a fig, with all your internal organs almost fully developed.

I need clothes. All my "big" clothes are not fitting anymore, and i cannot stand skirts.

*How far along?: 11 Weeks 1 day

*Total weight gain: From 4 weeks ago-3 kilos

*How big is baby?: Baby is the size of a lime

*Maternity clothes?: ...ish

*Sleep?: Perfect

*Memorable moment? Having my Sister Julie prepare for me everything i need to eat, two days in a row while i kick back and relax.

*Movement?: Something is moving, the books say its gas, but i disagree.

*Food cravings?: Groundnut sauce made by Mom.

*Belly button in or out?: Innie

*What I miss: My energy, good mornings, exercising in the morning, my Bestest Friend.

*What I’m looking forward to: 12 weeks and feeling "as if" normal again.

*Milestone: Cannot think of any now.

*Feelings this week: Emotional, no more headaches, energy coming back.

*Belly Picture this week: Will update tomorrow (see above)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

9 Weeks 4 days

Today is a big day, you little heart has now fully developed! You must be busy in there now...growing n expnading- i know i am.

Grandpa now knows 'bout you n he is excited. Two new grandchildren in one year- now that is something!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nine Weeks 3 Days

The last two weeks have gone kinda fast so my posts had taken a back sit.

Now at 9 weeks 3 days things seem to be changing fast. At this point my darling, you are the size of a green olive and about now your muscles are growing in your head, limbs and body

I should not be showing at this stage, but I am flaunting quite a significant bump that I need to open my zipper while seated at my desk at work. I think/ hope this is bloating or probably the glasses of water i am forced to imbibe in order to have an easy no. 2 (u get?. My afternoons are a drag and all I keep dreaming about is a bed. Oh how I wish I had a friend who stays near my office so I would swing by for a daily nap at least for an hour.

Exercising is a rumor. I had insisted on continuing with my 5am morning aerobics but I was too afraid that the ka thing might fall out; it became useless when i started to jup for 3 mins and rest for 5. I will want to find some alternative form of exercise when things settle down. Like brisk walking and squats, light weights n lunges Probably in May. Baby B you think, you will be up for it?

Cravings? None…ish. I love mangoes always have I guess. So I am having one or two every day. I found a friendly neighbor who owns a ka vegetable kiosk and she agreed to be my daily supplier of mangoes and nakati… oh I love nakati!!

Today, the headaches begun. I am not sure if this is normal. I had a dull residual headache last evening, one this morning and now it’s 2:30pm and I am feeling one again. Do not have a clue why, but will wait (read pray) n see if they will go. I do not want to see my doc earlier than I have too.

Meanwhile my boss (yes I told him) was happier for me than my Mom was, crazy, huh? He sat me down for a 45 min talk about everything Baby. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved. So if I doze off at my desk, he will not think am a lazy employee.

Tomorrow is a big day…

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Feel You

9 weeks today and I surely felt you move! Shocking! My Mom thinks it’s a twitch, and I believed her for a while until today when I felt a flutter, which tickled and actually made me laugh out loud.

Oh how glorious it is to feel you move darling. Or is it gas? Naaa…. Highly doubt it. Super excited!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Whoosh, whoosh!

Yesterday, at 7 weeks 3 days, I saw my baby and heard his/her heartbeat for the first time- it was the most amazing thing. I was smiling and laughing, and crying all at the same time. Though I was expecting to hear it, the feeling that came over me was a little overwhelming and I could not believe that a real little human being is inside me, with a tiny ball of muscle beating profusely inside of it; “Whoosh whoosh, whoosh, whoosh” it went, as if saying “You see Mommy, I am really here.”

My excitement has now grown to enjoyment, as that sound resonates in my head when I think about it and I smile to myself.- Oh Glorious God!