Brycen's Growth Timer

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I love you more..

It’s a cold evening and I am pretending to re-watch the “Man on Fire” movie, then the thought hit me, that I can resume blogging especially now that I am away from home.

This way, I can keep memories of my time here in Nairobi and also release the myriad of emotions inside of me mostly concerning how I am always thinking of my Brycen.

Today is my 9th day away from Brycen and it is also the first time I have looked at his picture and not cried since I came here. It is crazy but true that just a few minutes ago as I was browsing through his new born pics I found myself loving you more.

After seeing  and talking to him on Skype last night, I fear that he is going to grow into a little man while I am away, because I noticed he has already changed in the few days since i last saw him.

I miss you honey and love you more than I can say. 
I miss trimming your cushy toe nails...
Goodnight my angel…

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