Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Friday, July 13, 2012

Brycen's Development Highlights/Milestones

When B is declared a genius, the details below will be embossed  on some plaque in a museum.... :-).
I will continue to update this as he grows.

November, 2011
24th – He smiled (unintentionally)
25th- Umbilical Cord stump fell off
30th – slept comfortably through the night, for the first time
30th – Took medicine for the first time (colic medicine)
1st- Had a herbal birth- to help ease his peeling skin
10th – he ‘kubega” ed- this is tightening and pouting the lips just before he begins to cry- its super cute. He also lay down for a while without wanting anything and without crying.
11th – First evening bath (until now, he was bathing once a day in the mid-morning). Also this was the first time he used baby powder and the first time I saw him sweat.
12th – First taste of formula ( he hated it and spat it out). Also this is the first time he followed her gaze, he was looking at Grandma and while she walked away, he followed her gaze and turned his head.
15th- He cooed and made his first baby sounds. (super super adorable- I think I have a recording of this  somewhere)
17th- His first long journey- we went to Entebbe, about a 25 mile journey.
20th- starting as if holding on to my clothes while I carried him. It was not a firm grip, but it was kinda strong.
31st – He smiled and just at the same time the sun came out- Now I see God was smiling on us, coz I think this is when his colic and crying stopped.
January, 2012
1st- He got named.
10th – He slept in his pram (he hated the thing at first). He also opened his palms. (These had been tightly closed from birth. He also started to push himself up into a sitting position. He hated being carried like a newborn.
16th – He begun to suck his fingers (I tried to stop this because of all the germs I imagined he was eating)
26th – He smiled at me, knowingly.

13th – Held a rattle in his hand. He turned  360 degrees full circle in bed while asleep and faced where is feet were. He also as if began to crawl, by pulling himself on his tummy (with my help)
28th – He tried to crawl towards me

6th – He rolled over
14th he crawled on his own, commando style but in reverse…lol
16th – Sat up on his own
24th- Got up on all fours (in our bed)
26th- finally crawled forward- still commando style.

18th- Sat up by himself
-          Ate first solids

May (didn’t record exact dates)
-          He stood up unassisted while supporting himself on the couch.
-          He held his bottle on his own
-          Said first real words – “dada”

-          Crawled up 3 steps unassisted
16th - Walked while supporting himself on the couch

Developed 2 lower teeth
Spoke new sounds "Ttt...ttt.."
learned to hold two items at once-one in both hands
tried to stand on his own- like for 3 seconds

Crawled up and down three steps, on his own

Spoke the word 'hello' and 'juice'
clapped, ever so lightly, his padded palms
called his grandma 'jaja'
laid him down and he slept without me cuddling or feeding him

fell in love with Teletubbies
got his first hair cut
Learned to wave goodbye, as if a royal wave
...and here it is... he took his first steps!

Walked, like for real real
1st- The highlight of them all, he said "mama"

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