Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Learning Cause and Effect

B is now learning to manipulate situations to benefit him. He drops toys knowing that someone will pick them up; he cries and we come to him; he smiles and we smile back. He now has keen eyesight and can see his pink teether meters away, or his night lamp peeping from under the blanket. Today I bought him a cup. Apparently he feeds easier and more from a cup than from his bottle. I am trying to not feel the pinch of the cost of the now over 15 bottles I bought him. Tsk tsk. But I am impressed at how fast he is developing. He seems like he is taking life by the horns. It is amazing to watch him pick up his toys, drop them, tag at table clothes and see how mobile the dexterity in his limbs has made him; because at 5 and a half, he is now attempting to stand by himself. Oh my little man is growing up to fast, and I am away most of the week working  Yesterday, the working-Mom guilt hit me, and it hit me hard. I could not rationalize why I am away, toiling in the rat race for 10 hours a day while my baby boy stays home and I only get to see him for less than three hours a day before his bedtime. Actually, I had to push back his bedtime one hours so that I could spend more time with him- selfish I know, but I need him too. I was telling my friend Angie, God commanded that Adam would toil the earth for food and Eve would suffer painful childbirth. Me thinks I have already done my part and this toiling is so not for me. My husband should be working, and I should be giving birth- right! Lol. But seriously, sometimes I seriously consider being a stay-at-home Mom.
B trying to stand up