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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First Solid Food

B having banana- He hated it :-(
So Sunday 22nd may at exactly 5 months B, had his first taste of solid food. I have been anxious and excited to feed him real food and I thought it best to start with something soft and sweet. So I bought a colorful bowl (orange and red) with a lid and matching a soft edged spoon. Clad B in a water proof bib and gave him his first taste of mashed ndizi (small sweet banana)… he hated the stuff! Ok I admit it does not look one bit appetizing, but its sweet banana banange! B, spat and stuck his tongue out in protest. He must have had a total of 3 spoonful before we agreed that he had had enough. I had planned to give him mashed bananas for a 4 days and then maybe some avocado or pawpaw; and skip the whole wheat, oat or rice cereal business. However, my Mama said the giving baby mashed banana too early like at 5 months will make him hate the stuff when he is older. She suggested I start with cereal for about 2 weeks till he is used to solid stuff and maybe pawpaw and avocado. Apparently mashed bananas easily get babies nauseous hence the high chances of disliking them later. And I am forced to agree with her because, first- Mother knows best; secondly, my 9 month nephew (Kayron) cannot stand bananas and I believe it is because he ate them a lot when he was younger. So, nestle first cereal is what we will be having for the next 2 weeks. 1 table spoon in 90 mls for 7 days, and I will go on adding a tablespoonful till he can eat a thicker mixture. Update: I think he hates the cereal :-( Sometimes he takes the whole 120 mls, then other times he pushes the bottle away. I am thinking i should try rice cereal?