Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rolling Over!

We are technically four months old. I know it has been a while since I updated anything, but am sure it’s understandable.

B is an amazing child. He warms my heart each time I look at him and I can promise you I love him more at the close of each day than I did at the beginning of the same day.

At four months old, he has had a lot of milestones. Right now he sits when supported, does commando style crawling in reverse and grabs at everything he sees.
He also had a really deep and intense stare. He can win a stare contest, I tell you. He looks at people and things intensely and deeply and as if makes it a point to intimidate people me. Yesterday my cousin failed to eat her dinner while sited across from him coz his gaze followed each lift of the fork that she made from the plate to her mouth.

Bedtime has become a game. It was only last week that he was sleeping while I breast fed and sang him one of my concocted lullabies; now I cannot get him to stay in one place. You see I figured it was more strategic for me to nurse him as he lay sideways on the bed and I sang to him. It is a close and intimate time for both of us it worked wonders the whole of last week, he was asleep in less than 15 minutes. However, last night, something new happened- he learnt to roll over from his back to his tummy… and my lullaby and juicy boobs cannot get him to stay still. So last night I let him crawl and roll and coo and giggle for 45 mins before I realized this could go on forever. So I switched of the main lights, switched on our nioght light and turned it so dim he could not see his fingers, I held him close to me and sang my lullaby in a whisper, so lightly he had to keep silent to hear what I was singing- he was out in 10 mins!