Brycen's Growth Timer

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 22, 2011

4 weeks...yay

Yesterday we made one month and yes now I believe when they say that they grow up so fast. My cuppy cake is getting bigger and its amazing how much has happened in these last for weeks. One thing I know for sure now is that there is a huge difference between being a mother and being a parent.

Needless to say, I have been too overwhelmed in the last 4 weeks that I could not even find my laptop. But now that Brycen is getting bigger and beginning to settle into some sorta routine, I hope I can manage the weekly blogs.

This week, Cuppy cake has begun to as if smile; not yet intentionally, but he shows some signs of amusements and it melts my heart when I see this. He also is making small gguurrh gguuurh sounds and has me already talking baby talk and sounding stupid; and I love it.

We started using a pacifier to soothe him especially in the evenings when he really becomes fussy. I used to think that pacifiers where not good but seeing the benefits, I now understand why some parents use them. Trust me, if u have a fussy baby, any sort of dummy is a great help because it can be so hard on both parent and child when the baby is inconsolable.

Breast feeding is not as easy as I thought it was, but I will endure till the end. I realized I had always underestimated the benefits of breast feeding and after reading online how beneficial it is for a child, I will feed Brycen until 2 years at least.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New sleep schedule

The last 2 weeks and five days have been the hardest, most exciting, trying and best days of my life so far. I cannot detail how in words, but I can assure you the being a mother is the best reward God ever gave a woman.

Brycen is the love of my life and this is not just a cliché. Each time I look at him he looks different and love him more and more, even when I have only 2 kj of energy left in me.

He is bigger now, 3.5 kgs and getting heavier. Obviously my Kendra-like boobs are serving him well. I would have loved to record his developmental changes for the last 2 weeks but I guess we will start here. I will try and blog as often as I can for I do not want to lose memory of any of his precious growth stages.

So this last week Brycen has changed his sleep schedule from sleeping 8 hours of the day to only… and he cries… will continue later….